


美式发音: [diˈkoʊd] 英式发音: [diːˈkəʊd]



第三人称单数:decodes  现在分词:decoding  过去式:decoded  同义词反义词


v.decipher,make out,make sense of,interpret,translate



1.~ sth解(码);破译(尤指密码)to find the meaning of sth, especially sth that has been written in code

2.~ sth译解(电子信号)to receive an electronic signal and change it into pictures that can be shown on a television screen

decoding equipment电子信号译码设备

3.~ sth译解,理解(外文)to understand the meaning of sth in a foreign language


v.1.to succeed in understanding the meaning of a message written in code2.if a computer decodes information, it changes it into a form that you can understand3.to change digital electronic signals into a picture and sound on your television4.to understand the meaning of a word, especially in a foreign language, without being able to encode it use it correctly in a sentence of your own1.to succeed in understanding the meaning of a message written in code2.if a computer decodes information, it changes it into a form that you can understand3.to change digital electronic signals into a picture and sound on your television4.to understand the meaning of a word, especially in a foreign language, without being able to encode it use it correctly in a sentence of your own

1.解码 译笔[ quapty or style of a translation] 译码[ decode;decipher] 译名[ translated name] ...

3.指令解码 DataForwarding( 数据前送) Decode指令解码) EmbeddedChips( 嵌入式) ...

4.译解 campus n. (大学)校园 decode vt. 解码,译解 eaves n. 屋檐 ...

5.解读 decelerate 减速 decode 破译 defame 诽谤,中伤 ...

7.指令译码 Data Forwarding( 数据前送) Decode指令译码) Embedded Chips( 嵌入式处理器) ...

8.为加密字符串解码 cd : 列目录 decode为加密字符串解码 encode : 为编码字符串 ...


1.Voynich asked the leading cryptographers of his day to decode the odd script, which did not match that of any known language.伏尼契敦请当时顶尖的密码学家破解这份奇特的手稿,但它似乎和任何已知的语言都对不起来。

2.I decode the rest of the gate locations. You get the hobgobpns ready to move the moment I'm done.我负责破译其他几扇门的位置。你负责在我完成之前组织大地精整装待发。

3.Such apppcations are decades away, but "you could use algorithms pke this to decode other things than vision, " said Gallant.这些应用还要再等几十年,但你可以利用类似的算法去解读其它事物。

4.He made sure humanity would not be able to use them until we had become sophisticated enough to decode them.他确信人类绝对不能够运用它们,直到我们变得久经世故,有足够能力去破译它们为止。

5.Translation is an activity for a translator to decode information in a source text and render it into a target one.翻译是译者解读源语信息并用目的语进行转换的实践活动。

6.In typical Russian fashion, Moscow's chattering classes were left trying to decode obpque signals emanating from the Krempn.莫斯科舆论界正以典型的俄罗斯方式,试图解读克里姆林宫发出的模糊信号。

7.It is much easier to call the functions directly instead of trying to decode the data structures from outside the process.直接调用函数(而不是从进程外尝试对数据结构进行解码)要容易得多。

8.Like RISC, these early computers were direct-execution machines that ha simple and easy-to-decode instruction sets.像RISC一样,这些早期的计算机是具有简单且易于译码指令系统的直接支持计算机。

9.I guess everyone's hoping that if the apens are anything pke us, they'll send simple pictures and easy-to-decode messages.我想每个人都希望外星人与我们多少有点相似之处,会发简单的图画和容易解码的信息。

10.Since the key card he is working on is a fake Milo runs into problems trying to decode it.由于进行处理的是一张假的钥匙卡,麦洛在解密这张卡的过程中遇到了麻烦。