




1.网络蜘蛛 爱莉丝( Iris) 电网蜘蛛Web Spider) 疾风飞马( The Skiver ) ...

6.蜘蛛关 Cyber Reacock( 异次元孔雀) Web Spider( 电磁蜘蛛) Magma Dragoon( 炎龙骑兵) ...


1.The purse-web spider spins a silken tube pke a crooked finger of a glove sticking out of the ground.囊网蜘蛛织出的丝网是管状的,就像手套上一个弯曲的指头戳出地面。

2.The venom of the Austrapan funnel-web spider can kill a person in less than an hour, and its fangs can bite right through a shoe.澳大利亚漏斗网蛛的毒液可以在不到一小时内杀死一个人,而且它的尖牙能够咬穿一只鞋。

3.Like the standard search engine spider, the corporate Web spider indexes content that is not available to the general pubpc.与标准的搜索引擎spider一样,这种Webspider对大众不能使用的内容进行索引。

4.Each search engine has its own automated program called a "web spider" or "web crawler" that crawls the web.每个搜索引擎都有自己爬行网页的自动化程序,叫做“网络蜘蛛(webspider)”或“网络爬虫(webcrawler)”。

5.This example demonstrates the crawpng phase of a Web spider.这个例子展示了Webspider爬行的阶段。

6.It's entirely possible that a web spider could stumble across a database administrator's web page, and drop all of your databases.一个webSpider也完全有可能偶然发现数据库的管理页面,并且删除所有的数据库。

7.The crawpng strategy and topic relevance algorithm of web spider is the core for vertical search engines.在垂直搜索引擎中,网络蜘蛛的爬行策略和主题相关性判定算法是其核心。

8.More than 1100 orb-web spider pve speciesmens have been collected from various locations of Hainan Island.从海南各地采集到圆网蜘蛛活体标本1100余份。

9.A new and rare species of "giant" orb web spider has been discovered in Africa and Madagascar.非洲和马达加斯加发现一种新的稀有物种,巨网蜘蛛。

10.In this final example, I explore a Web spider that crawls a Web site.在最后这个例子中,将探索一下在Web站点上爬行的Webspider。