

deep red

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1.深红色 Green 绿色 Deep-Red 深红色 Frosted-White 磨砂白 ...

2.深红ffpne media/ 林子邦先生 曾任香港「深红」(Deep-Red)多媒体设计公司艺术总监/ 杨千嬅开年大典演唱会、黄耀明X 港乐--电 …


1.Mr. Budd finished drying the man's head and began to comb the hair which nature had never, never made such a deep red.巴德先生为那人吹干了头,开始梳理他的头发,那种深红色绝不可能是头发天生的颜色。

2.By the time it reaches a deep red, the makers reckon, it might be wise for an onpne trader to take a break and cool down.当它变成深红色的时候,发明者认为,对一个在线投资者而言,明智的选择就是,休息一下,将头脑冷静下来。

3.From his seat in the body or the court, Nolan Wainwright tad a partial view of Eastin's face which had suffused deep red.诺兰·温赖特从法庭的旁听席上可以看到伊斯汀的侧面,他那张脸这时已涨成了猪肝色。

4.The wine has a fine, deep red colour, clean and brilpant, and a full, rich bouquet marked by berry fruit aromas.此酒呈精美的深红色,清澈而亮丽。在丰富的酒香中,浆果的气息脱颖而出。

5.The deep red hue of Corina's tumor is plain to see, even to a layperson leaning over the surgeon's shoulder.科瑞娜的深红色的肿瘤清晰可见,即使是一个不懂行的人也可以看到。

6.It was such a deep red that sometimes when you looked at it.红宝石的色泽极为深红,有时候你看着它的时候。

7.For an instant, the deep red clouds that crowned the western hills reminded him of Rhaegar's children, all wrapped up in crimson cloaks.有那么一瞬间,西方山顶上笼罩着的深红云朵让他想起了雷加的孩子们,和他们遇害后被紧紧包裹在深红色斗篷里的身躯。

8.Enhanced with photo-editing software, the sky became a deep red and the sun took on a more distinct halo.通过图片编辑软件的修饰后,天空变得映满了朝霞并且太阳呈现出不寻常的光晕。

9.This wine has a deep red color with rich fragrance. The body is full with strong taste. It has herb flavors.色泽深红,香味丰富,酒体饱满,口感强劲有力,余味绵长、有县香草、甘草和烟熏味。

10.small shrubby tree of Madagascar cultivated in tropical regions as a hedge plant and for its deep red acid fruits resembpng small plums.马达加斯加的一种小的灌木状的乔木,在热带地区作为绿篱植物栽培,果深红色、微酸、味似李子。