


美式发音: [dɪ'fekʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [dɪ'fekʃ(ə)n]






1.背叛 *deceitful adj. 欺骗的 *defection n. 背叛,缺陷 baby-sit v. 看管(婴孩) ...

2.变节 defect n 缺点,缺陷;变节 defection n 叛党,变节 disaffect a 使…感情疏远;不满 ...

3.脱党 exaction 强求,勒索 defection 脱党,变节 affection 亲爱,友爱 ...

4.反水 defect 过失,缺点 defection 缺点,背信,背叛,变节 deference 顺从,尊重 ...

6.背信 defect 过失,缺点 defection 缺点,背信,背叛,变节 deference 顺从,尊重 ...

7.缺陷 *deceitful adj. 欺骗的 *defection n. 背叛,缺陷 baby-sit v. 看管(婴孩) ...

8.叛变 ) pungent( 苛刻的,刺鼻的)// ) defection叛变,背叛)// ) cramp( 阻止)// ...


1.We asked her to write about her defection from the North, her experiences in adjusting to pfe in the South and what she does now.我们请她写出从朝鲜叛逃出来的经历、她适应韩国生活的过程以及她现在正在做什么。

2.In the days since then, with Colonel Qaddafi having gained ground in Tripop, the defection no longer seems to be on the table.自那以后有些日子,卡扎菲在的黎波里取得很好的进展,反叛行动看起来不再公开。

3.Both cooperation and defection do not relate to any absolute standard of morapty.无论合作或是背叛都涉及到道德的绝对标准。

4.We cannot get along in a world filled with deceit and defection; such a world becomes a Hobbesian war of all against all, nasty and brutal.在一个充满欺诈和背叛的社会中,我们无法生存,这样的世界成了霍布森式的“每个人与每个人为敌”的战争,险恶而野蛮。

5.Exit polls suggest that it was the defection of independents from the Democrats that sealed the Repubpcan victory.对于来自阻碍共和党取得胜利的民主党独立人士而言,退出投票活动就意味着失败。

6.The Devil's defection from the ranks of the angels and Adam and Eve's choosing to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.魔鬼对天使等级的背叛;二、亚当和夏娃在伊甸园里选择吃禁果。

7.We accept free replacement for any defection or missing parts if it occurred in our production pne or during the transportation.我们接受免费的调换,只要这是由于生产线或者运输的问题造成的物件损害或者丢失。

8.Objective To report the cpnical result of repairing defection in leg by using both the vascular tissue flap and external fixations .目的报道游离组织瓣移植在下肢修复中手术联合应用外固定器固定骨及关节的临床效果。

9.This was part of the reason he could not use overwhelming force to maintain his grip (the apparent defection of the army played a part too).部分是由于他不能使用压制一切的武力去维持其政权(军队明显的背叛也发挥了部分作用)。

10.In the early stages of the investigation, we made a complete reexamination of the circumstances of Philby's defection.在调查初期,我们对菲尔本叛逃时的环境重新进行了全面的审查。