



美式发音: [ˈpflət] 英式发音: [ˈpːflət]




复数:leaflets  现在分词:leafleting  过去式:leafleted  同义词





n.1.a printed sheet of paper, usually folded, that is provided free and gives information about something

v.1.to give leaflets to people in an area

1.传单 Lawyers / 律师 Leaflets / 传单 Meat -BBQ / 肉干 ...

2.单张 梭哈 show hand 单张 Leaflets 对子 Pair ...

3.宣传单张 吊牌 IAG 宣传单张 LEAFLETS 画册 PICTURE ALBUM ...

4.小叶为数枚裂片,且裂缝深达叶脉或叶柄,则这些裂片则称为小叶 (Leaflets) 。

5.传单人 传统街市 traditional wet markets 传单人 leaflets 抢购 snap up ...

6.小传单 的小旗, 穿着特别定制的“t-恤衫” , 发放“小传单” (“leaflets”) 和有黏性的标 签(stickers, 贴在胸前) 。

7.宣传单张设计 ... 卡片设计 Name Cards / Business Cards 宣传单张设计 Leaflets 网上商店系统 E-Commerce Website ...


1.The advice is backed by the National Union of Students and is being handed out on leaflets at universities over the next couple of weeks.该建议受到了全国学生会的支持,在未来的几周内,将以传单的形式在大学里散发。

2.She did not hand out leaflets door to door pke the rest of the group.不像其他同伴那样挨家挨户地去分发传单;

3.I've got to put in two hours for the Junior Anti-Sex League, handing out leaflets, or something.我得替反性青年团干上两个小时,发个传单什么的。真该死,对不对?

4.Castro hated the group and the leaflets critical of him that it had dropped over Havana in the past.卡斯特罗仇恨这个组织和这个组织过去在哈瓦那撒下的批评他的传单。

5.To give you a general idea of the product we handle , we enclose a complete set of leaflets showing specifications and means of packing.为了使你对我们经营的产品有一个概念,兹附上一整套注有规格和包装的活页说明书。

6.Pyongyang also said the South should stop sending propaganda leaflets and balloons over the border.平壤方面还称,韩国方面应该停止在两国边界地区散发鼓动性的传单和气球。

7.She had magnificent blonde hair, in profusion. One of those picture children often reproduced in advertising leaflets and the photogravures.她长着一头漂亮浓密的金发,就像刊登在广告插页上和周日报纸图片版上的那些孩子一样。

8.Some of the mothers said health visitors promised to drop off leaflets about depression, but did not do so.一些患产后抑郁症的母亲表示一些妇幼保健机构的家访者承诺要送给她们一些关于消除沮丧情绪的小册子,但是却失言了。

9.The other plate manufacturers present sales target seems to be just sales leaflets plate, no joint plate is used rubber as a solution.另外版材厂商此刻的采购标的目的仿佛也只是采购单张版材,至于无接缝版材则拔取橡胶版来处置。

10.I stopped handing out leaflets for Youth for Christ and began drinking coffee at the student union with a boy who was a pubpshed poet.我停止为基督青年派发传单,开始同一个自称为诗人的男孩一起在学生活动楼里喝咖啡。