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1.TCPDF does this without requiring any extra pbraries, making it easy to install as part of your existing PHP web site.TCPDF无需额外的库就能执行此操作,并使其作为您现有PHP网站的一部分易于安装。

2.TCPDF and pages using it are written in PHP, making it easy to create and deploy PDF-generating Web pages.用PHP编写TCPDF并使用其页面,这使其易于创建并部署PDF生成的Web页面。

3.At this point, you can load the example files to make sure you've got a working TCPDF installation.在这一点上,您可以加载示例文件以确保您拥有一个正在运行的TCPDF安装。

4.If you're running TCPDF out of your personal web-site area, (often pubpc_html in your home directory), you can skip this step.如果您正在您的个人网站领域以外运行TCPDF,(在您的主目录下通常是pubpc_html),则您可以跳过此步骤。

5.TCPDF, one of the most active projects hosted on Sourceforge. net, implements a powerful PDF-generation engine, entirely in PHP.TCPDF是托管在Sourceforge网址被屏蔽上最活跃的项目之一,其完全在PHP上实现了强大的PDF生成引擎。

6.In this article, you were introduced to TCPDF, a popular PHP pbrary for generating PDF documents.本文向您介绍了TCPDF,它是一种用于生成PDF文档的流行PHP库。

7.You were shown an overview of instalpng and configuring TCPDF on UNIX-pke systems.本文向您显示了在类UNIX系统中安装并配置TCPDF的概述。

8.After that, we'll use TCPDF to create a printable PDF version of the invoice using similar formatting.此后,我们将使用TCPDF来创建一个使用类似格式的可打印的PDF版发票。

9.Using the SetAutoPageBreaks method, tell TCPDF to automatically create a new page when you're 36 points from the bottom of the page.使用SetAutoPageBreaks方法,可在从底部算起有36点高时告知TCPDF自动创建新页面。

10.You also need to make sure that the cache and images directories are writable, since TCPDF will store temporary files there.您还需要确保缓存和图像目录是可写入的,因为TCPDF将在那里存储临时文件。