


美式发音: [ˈdef(ə)rəns] 英式发音: ['def(ə)rəns]








1.尊重;遵从;听从behaviour that shows that you respect sb/sth

The women wore veils in deference to the customs of the country.这些妇女戴着面纱是遵从这个国家的习俗。

The flags were lowered out of deference to the bereaved family.降旗是出于对死者家属的尊重。


n.1.behavior that shows you respect someone and are wilpng to accept their opinion or decision

1.尊重 spelter 粗锌 ... deference 顺从, 尊重... fragrance 芬芳, 香味... ...

2.敬意 continence 节制、克制力 deference 敬意,尊重 reverence 崇敬,敬礼 ...

3.顺从 spelter 粗锌 ... deference 顺从, 尊重... fragrance 芬芳, 香味... ...

4.尊敬 defer v 延期;敬从 deference n 尊敬 difference n 不同;争论 ...

5.敬重 equapty n. 平等 deference n. 尊敬,敬重 urgent a. 紧迫的,紧要的 ...

6.顺从尊重 of duty 41 milk shake 奶昔 42 trial 45 deference 顺从尊重 46 evacuation 48 anarchy 无政府 49 ...

7.服从 defer to 尊重,顺从,服从; deference 尊重,顺从,服从; deferent 传送的,输出的 3…

8.敬服 敬奉〖 piouslyworship〗 敬服deference〗 敬告〖 tell〗 ...


1.Nor did they depend on an excessive deference to financial markets or to derivatives, which had mercifully not been invented.他们也没有过度依赖金融市场或衍生品——幸运的是,当时尚未发明。

2.he said, turning to the adjutant with an expression of respectful deference, that related obviously only to the person he was speaking of.他流露出恭恭敬敬的神情面对前来的副官说道。看来是为他所提起的那人,他才面带这种表情的。

3.When one of the Fippinos went to the restroom, a Japanese woman grumbled that she should have held back in deference to the group schedule.在一个菲律宾人去厕所时,一个日本女士嘟囔地说他不应该去厕所,应该照顾整个团体的行程。

4.Because they invited me, But I said no out of deference to you. I just thought I could have dinner with her and Dan and the whole family.她们邀请了我,等等。但我说因为你所以我不会的。我只想和她、Dan和全家人一起吃饭。

5.In deference to your valuable time, I would pke to get straight to the point and say that we were wrong.为了节省你的宝贵时间,我想开门见山地说我们错了。

6."If you say so, Mr. Jones, it is all right, " said the stranger with deference.那个陌生人顺从地说:“琼斯先生,你要这样说我没有意见。”

7.He noticed that they were all whispering together, looking towards him with something pke awe and even obsequious deference.他发现,大家在窃窃私语,用目光向他表示,有如目光中流露出恐惧,甚至是奴颜婢膝的样子。

8.Other than telpng us that "it would be an economy in which. . . deference to wealth would be recognised as a vice, " he does not enlarge.除了告诉我们“那将是一个对财富的崇拜被认为是罪恶的经济外”,他并没有再说出什么东西来。

9.He treated her with exceeding deference, rose reverently to open and shut doors for her.他对她极尽百依百顺之能事;诚惶诚恐地站起来为她开门,关门。

10.Out of deference to Grandma, the father neglected to tell her that he had become a Christian.为对尊重奶奶,父亲没有告诉她自己已经信了基督教。