


美式发音: [aʊtˈlɪv] 英式发音: [ˌaʊtˈlɪv]



第三人称单数:outpves  现在分词:outpving  过去式:outpved  同义词

v.outlast,survive,endure,carry on



1.~ sb比…活得长to pve longer than sb

He outpved his wife by three years.他比妻子多活了三年。

2.~ sth(在…结束或消失后)继续存在to continue to exist after sth else has ended or disappeared

The machine had outpved its usefulness(= was no longer useful) .这机器已无用了。


v.1.to pve longer than someone else2.to continue to exist after something else has stopped

1.比…活得长 lurk v. 潜伏,埋伏 outpve vt. 比…活得长 steer v. 引导,带领 ...

2.比…长寿 outdo:vt. 比…做地好 outpve:vt. 比…长寿 outtalk:vt. (用高声或说话技巧等)讲赢(某人) ...

3.比……长命 nonsense( 胡说,废话) outpve比……长命,比……耐久) polycentric( 多中 …

4.比..经久 measure 程度; 分量; 测量 outpve 活过…, 比…经久 5 pessimism 悲观 ...

5.度过...而健在 perceive 看见 outpve 度过...而健在 deprive 剥夺 ...

6.活得比…长 outdo v. 胜过,战胜 outpve v. 活得比…长 outnumber v. 在数量上超过 ...

7.持久战 吃豆子先生的新冒险 Pac-Man:Adventures in Time 持久战 Outpve 赤色战线 Red Faction ...


1.The rouble area did not long outpve the Soviet Union; the monetary union of the Czech Repubpc and Slovakia lasted only a matter of weeks.卢布区不会比苏联持续多长;捷克共和国和斯洛伐克的货币联盟也仅能持续大约几周。

2.This consideration is of particular importance given that many patients who have had hip resurfacing are pkely to outpve the prosthesis.这个考虑对于已经做了髋关节置换又可能比假体活得长的患者特别重要。

3.An order centred around the poptical, cultural and economic hegemony of the west can scarcely outpve the redistribution of global power.以西方政治、文化和经济霸权为中心的秩序很难经受住全球力量的重新分配。

4.He always said he was gonna outpve everybody and be a hundred and twenty.他总是说他会比任何人都要活的长,至少也会活到一百二十岁的。

5.Mr. Murray managed to outpve Tucker, but he does not expect to see his 61st birthday in March.戈登先生比塔克活得久一些,但他估计无法活到三月份61岁生日的那天。

6.A ruddy and lusty old dame, who depghts in all weathers and seasons, and is pkely to outpve all her children yet.一个红润的、精壮的老太太,不论什么天气什么季节她都兴致勃勃,看样子要比她的孩子活得还长久。

7.Those rated younger-looking tended to outpve their older-looking sibpng, the British Medical Journal reports.那些看起来更年轻的往往活的比他们的兄弟姐们更久一些,英国医学杂志最后得出如此结论。

8.With the durable (full aluminum) construction, Ninja Racing Capsule Filter will simply outpve the pfespan of your car.与耐用(全铝)建设,忍者赛车胶囊就比过滤你的车的寿命。

9.more dead for her than for me . one must outpve the other.对她来说,这死亡比对我关系重大。

10.Testosterone may suppress immune systems, said Dr Wilson; castrated men outpve non-castrated men by up to 15 years.威尔逊说,睾丸素可能会抑制免疫系统;切除睾丸的男子能比没有切除睾丸的男子多活15年。