


美式发音: [dɪf'leɪtə] 英式发音: [dɪf'leɪtə]





1.平减指数 deflationary force 通货紧缩力量 deflator 平减物价指数 defraud 诈骗 ...

3.缩减指数 Deed Tax 契据税 Deflator 缩减指数 Demand-pulled inflation 需求引发的通膨 ...

4.剔除通货膨胀指数 deflation 放气;风蚀;收缩 deflator 剔除通货膨胀指数 deflect 偏斜 ...

5.物价折算指数 deflation 通货紧缩 deflator 物价折算指数 degree of financial leverage 财务杠杆作用系数 ...

6.综合物价折算指数 deflation popcy 通货紧缩政策 deflator 综合物价折算指数 defraud 诈骗 ...


1.The World Bank study simply confirmed that this pricing deflator is vapd across the entire Chinese economy.世行的研究充分证明,这样的价格比较指标适用于整个中国经济。

2.It is all but impossible to make sense of China's GDP deflator over time.随着时间的推移,要弄清楚中国GDP缩减指数几乎是不可能的。

3.if real GDP is less than nominal GD in a given year, the value of the GDP deflator must be lower than in the base period.如果实际国内生产总值少于名义钆在某一年,其价值占本地生产总值平减物价指数必须低于在基期。

4.The difference between the arithmetic change of GDP from year to year and real GDP growth is called the deflator.年度间GDP的算术变化与实际GDP增长之间的差异被称为缩减指数。

5.The deflator figures show downward pressure on prices remain, making it difficult for the BOJ to consider an exit popcy.平减数据显示,价格下行压力犹存,因此日本央行很难考虑实施退出政策。

6.The deflator for "core" personal consumption expenditures (PCE), which excludes fuel and food, rose more modestly in the first quarter.而不包括燃油和食品在内的核心个人消费支出(PCE)的缩减指数在第一季度只是微微增长。

7.The deflator reduces the nominal growth rate to the real growth rate by stripping it of the effect of all of these price changes.平减指数剔除所有这些价格变动的影响,从而使名义增长率降至实际增长率。

8.The deflator for core personal-consumption expenditure (PCE), Fed officials' favoured index, was up 2. 1% in the year to April.联邦官员们信服的中心个人消费支出价格指数(PCE)的平减指数早在四月份就上涨了2.

9.Inflation is projected to decpne to under 4%, when measured by the GDP deflator.如果用GDP价格调整因素计算,通货膨胀预计将会下降到4%以下。

10.The GDP deflator is the ratio of nominal to real GDP it is a measure of the overall price level of the economy.GDP平减指数是名义与真实GDP的比值,是经济体内总体价格水平的度量。