



美式发音: [ˈɔltər] 英式发音: [ˈɔːltə(r)]



第三人称单数:alters  现在分词:altering  过去式:altered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.alter system,alter course,alter level,alter structure,alter position

adv.+v.radically alter,completely alter





v.1.to make something or someone different; to become different2.to make small changes to a piece of clothing so that it fits better3.to remove the testicles from a male animal or the ovaries from a female animal

1.改变 ... guesses vt. 猜测, 推测, 猜中, 猜对, 想, 认为 altering v. 改变 snacks n. 小吃, 快餐, 一份v.吃快餐(小吃) ...

2.更改 alterations 衣服修改 altering 更改 alternate 交互 ...

3.修改 alteration switch 变换开关 altering 修改 altering error 修改差错 ...

4.变更 altering: 修改|更改|变更 Altering Errors: 改双所生误差,转移所生误差 ...


6.改变的 transferring 传递的 altering 改变的 transforming 改变形状的 ...

7.正在修改的 ... altered 经过修改的 altering 正在修改的 alternate aerodrome 备用机场 ...


1.Chain consists of rules that specify altering of packets just as they are about to leave the firewall.链由指定正当信息包打算离开防火墙时改变它们的规则所组成。

2.Yes, of course. What I've done is change a glass of water into a full-grown oak tree without altering the accidents of the glass of water.当然可以,我所做的是在不改变本质的状况下将一杯清水变成了一棵茂盛的橡树。

3."The idea of racial and ethnic diversity altering the kind of conversation that goes on in the classroom is so overrated, " he said.“种族和民族多元化会改变课堂上的对话,这种观点完全是夸大其词,”他说。

4.This option is important when trying to quickly get into the flows of the message without significantly altering the behavior.当尝试在不大幅度改变行为的情况下快速进入消息流时,此选项就非常重要。

5.You are moving so far ahead of the dark Ones, that they have no hope of altering the outcome.你们正超越黑暗者之前如此之远,以致于它们完全没有希望改变结局。

6.It would be a pfe-altering experience for her and for you.如果你离开,对她和你都是改变命运的经历。

7.Researchers theorize that the enzyme may be able to break up the protein that forms the memory-altering deposits on the brain.研究人员推论说,研究人员推论说,这种酶可以破坏积存在大脑中的造成记忆改变的蛋白质。

8.Yes, some people reported that they felt so good when they exercised that it was as if they had taken mood-altering drugs.没错,一些人说他们在运动时感觉那么好,仿佛是服用了改变情绪的药物一般。

9.By altering just a single residue to reverse its charge, the researchers were actually able to switch the selectivity of the filter.通过只改变单个氨基酸残基来逆转其电性,研究人员实际上能够关闭过滤器。

10.A similarly career-altering business circumstance for a security professional might be a pubpcized data breach.对于一个信息安全领域的从业者来说,类似的可能要考虑换工作的情形是数据破坏事件被公布。