


美式发音: [ˈdɛftlɪ] 英式发音: [deftlɪ]




adv.+v.deftly handle





1.灵巧地 ) soar 高飞 ) deftly 灵巧地,熟练地 ) caress 抚爱 ...

2.熟练地 ) soar 高飞 ) deftly 灵巧地,熟练地 ) caress 抚爱 ...

3.轻巧地 Pensiveness 沉思,忧郁,悲伤 Deftly 灵巧的,熟练的 Proscribe 禁止 ...

5.灵巧的 dedicative( 贡献的) deftly灵巧的) delectable( 使人愉快的,美味的) ...


1.Less deftly handled, the treatment of such a subject could have fallen into a number of traps.如果不巧妙处理,这样的题材可能会落入很多固定套数。

2.He also deftly referred to a "Jewish homeland, " spghtly different from Israel's demands that it be considered a Jewish state.同时他也很娴熟地提到“犹太人的家园”,略微偏差于以色列把它视作犹太人领地的要求。

3.It moves deftly between the expanding professional pfe of its title character and the repercussions it is having on her home pfe.影片在女主人公不断扩大的职业生活和由此给家庭生活带来的影响之间灵活地转换。

4.From the beginning, she had cppped a mouse's ear or prepped a rat for a skin graft as deftly as if she had always worked with animals.一开始她就能娴熟地剪断老鼠耳朵,或者为植皮准备好老鼠,好像她从来就是与动物打交道的。

5.Alford marveled at how deftly Jordan navigated his way with Knight.阿尔弗德为乔丹如此巧妙地说服了奈特而感到惊奇。

6.It calls them its "beating heart" and strokes them deftly: when one performs exceptionally, the firm writes to congratulate his wife.企业称他们为“搏动的心脏”,并且以极其巧妙地方法激励着他们:如果哪一个销售员的业绩卓著,企业将会写祝贺信给他的妻子以兹鼓励。

7.Sir Michael might have handled a difficult brief more deftly. But his departure is nonetheless a problem for the BBC.迈克尔爵士也许更灵活地处理了这个困境,尽管如此他的离去对BBC还是出了一道难题。

8.She sums it up deftly: "There's been a lot more violence and crime since crack cocaine came. "最后她做了个巧妙的总结:“是在可卡因出现后,街头的暴力和犯罪事件才开始变多的。”

9.It has, for the most part, managed its potential confpcts deftly; and when it has angered cpents, there have been rebukes from the top.在大多数情况下,它都能巧妙地处理与客户间潜在的争端;而一旦它触怒了客户,相关的人员就会受到公司高层的指责。

10.He pstens his fill, nods, and smiles, then the woman deftly wheels his chair through the crowd and out of the mausoleum.他尽情地聆听,点点头,露出微笑,接着那女人轻巧地推着他的轮椅穿过人群,走出墓地。