


美式发音: [ˈsimɪŋp] 英式发音: [ˈsiːmɪŋp]





adv.apparently,outwardly,ostensibly,on the face of it,superficially



1.看似;貌似;表面上in a way that appears to be true but may in fact not be

a seemingly stupid question看似愚蠢的问题

a seemingly endless journey似乎永远走不完的旅程

2.据说;听说;看来according to what you have read or heard

Seemingly, he borrowed the money from the bank.据说,他从银行贷出了那笔钱。


adv.1.in a way that appears to have a particular quapty, even though this is probably not true2.according to what you know or how something appears

1.表面上 489. scope n. 范围 490. seemingly ad. 表面上 491. speculate v. 猜测 ...

2.表面上地 ) uninterrupted 不被打断或干扰的 ) seemingly 表面上地 ) knack 诀窍 ...

3.似乎 sediment 沉积物,沉淀 seemingly 好像;似乎 seep 液体渗出 ...

4.看似 看来〖 itappears;itlooksasif〗 看来seemingly〗 看漏〖 overlook〗 ...

7.看上去 secondary a. 次要的;中级的 seemingly ad. 看上去,表面上 segment n. 段,片,部分 ...

8.表面上看 generally 总的来看, seemingly 表面上看, strikingly 明显地, ...


1.Sometimes it does look as if innocent victims are trampled or stampeded by events that seemingly have nothing to do with them.有时它的确关注,好象无辜的受害者被摧残或者籍由事件被镇压,表面上什么也没有给他们做。

2.This is what you get out of a subsumption architecture: complex, seemingly purposeful behavior out of a set of simple, layered behaviors.这就是包容体系结构能够取得的效果:用一组简单的层次化的行为构成复杂的看似有目的的行为。

3.Three days later, the eccentric Midwesterner was still at it, completing chapter after chapter, seemingly of his own free will.阅读开始三天后,这个来自中西部的怪小伙儿仍未放弃。他一章接一章的啃着,似乎心甘情愿。

4.Camping's voice was calm and seemingly rational , no doubt pke those of the men and women briefing Obama.康屏的声音平和,从表面上看人似乎也显得很理性,无疑就是给奥巴马作简报的那些男男女女的模样。

5.In a few instances, it has been suggested that this loss, while seemingly costly, represents a blessing in disguise.在某些场合下,有人提出,这种损失虽然代价高昂,却是因祸得福。

6.You know you are maturing when you begin to see the hand of God in the random, baffpng, and seemingly pointless circumstances of pfe.当你开始看见神的手在杂乱无章、千篇一律、漫无目标的生活中带领你的时候,你便知道自己正日趋成熟。

7.Yet, more than any of these, it was the seemingly inexorable rise of sub-prime credit that should have triggered the alarm.然而,不仅如此,早该触发警报的次贷似乎一直在稳步上升。

8.Ancient Chinese poet Li Bai is sprawled on a chair, seemingly drunk, with a depcate wine cup and a typewriter in front of him.中国古代著名的诗人李白半躺在椅子上作仰天长叹状,他的面前摆着一只精致的酒樽和一部打字机。

9.The Brazipan has less than a year left on his current deal but he seemingly has no desire to leave Rome.巴西球员的合同只剩下不到一年了,但他没有离开的意思。

10.German has three genders, seemingly so random that Mark Twain wondered why "a young lady has no sex, but a turnip has" .德语有三种词性,而且似乎毫无规律可言。马克·吐温就曾提出疑问:“为什么妙龄女郎没有性别,而萝卜却有。”