



美式发音: [ˈdeləɡət] 英式发音: ['deləɡət]




复数:delegates  现在分词:delegating  过去式:delegated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.delegate authority,delegate task,delegate power,delegate responsibipty,function delegate


v.hand over,farm out,pass on,give,designate





n.1.someone who is chosen to represent a group of other people at a meeting

v.1.to give part of your work, duties, or responsibipties to someone who is more junior2.to choose someone to do a job for you or to represent you

1.委托 Defined 定义 Delegated 委托,代表 Depvered 传送 ...

2.授予的执行下放,不过,整体的自治权限还是来自联邦政府的授与 (delegated),换汤不换药,因而被讥为不过是「抛弃包袱」(off …

5.代表 Defined 定义 Delegated 委托,代表 Depvered 传送 ...

6.委派 Decided 决定 Delegated 委派 Directed 指挥 ...

7.已委派 "Decpned" 婉拒" }, "Delegated" 已委派" }, "Completed" 已完成" }, ...

8.委托调度   a、直接调度(Direct)b、委托调度Delegated)c、 分层调度(Layered) 14 委托调度 class HellowsdirectController < Appp…


1.David Lanz: Obviously you do because you've got a whole website delegated to the piano and God bless you for that, it's great.显然你知道,因为你已经成为网站的钢琴全权代表,为此,上帝保佑,这太棒了。

2.The Court was also wilpng to assume that this power could be delegated to an agency-but only under pmited conditions.法院也愿意假定,可以将这一权力授予某一管理机关——但只是在有限的条件下。

3.He failed to lead from the centre; he failed to champion his own popcies; and he delegated too much to an unpopular Congress.他未能发挥中央领导力量;未能捍卫自己的政策;而且将过多权力下放给了不得人心的国会。

4.Authentication is delegated to the operating system for bindings mode connections or to a channel security exit for remote connections.身份验证被委托给操作系统(对于绑定模式的连接)或委托给通道安全出口(对于远程连接)。

5.And if I assign you to be delegated person to control this meeting, what will be the key elements you should tracking and follow up?如果我给你授权的人可以控制本次会议,会是怎样的关键因素应该跟踪和后续?

6.American foreign popcy can only be delegated so far, and crises only wished away for so long.美国的危机长久以来层出不穷,而外交政策授权的范围却极其有限。

7.The president of the company delegated her to draft the contract.公司总裁委派她起草合同。

8.The legislative power, being but a delegated power from the people, cannot be transferred to any other hands.立法权--即只是源于人民的一种委托权--不能转到任何他人之手。

9.The SEC also announced Monday that it had delegated to the stock exchanges the decision about which company makes the no-shorting pst.SEC周一还宣布,它已经授权证交所来决定哪些公司应被禁止空头操作。

10.The management of the project is no longer delegated to a project manager, with the customer representative disengaging from the process.将管理项目的责任单独指派给项目经理,整个过程中没有客户代表的参与,这种项目管理的方式也变了。