




1.优素福优素福(Yousif):「我不欢迎他,上一次战争(2008~2009年)他也来过­这里,但甚麽也没做。现在他又要来了,肯定还是不会为 …

2.尤素福比如尤素福Yousif)等于约瑟夫(Joseph);达乌德(Dawood)等于大卫(David),等等。如此推算,全世界可能源自同一个 …


1.So far, though, most of what Mr Yousif has collected comes from other banks rather than private investors.迄今为止,优素福先生所筹集到的资金大多来自银行家而不是私人投资者。

2.There have been rumours of a merger with Saudi Investment Bank, although Mr Yousif has denied this.虽然优素福先生予以否认,但仍有关于和沙特投资银行合并的谣言。

3.Yousif said his group would not negotiate peace as long as international forces remained in Afghanistan.尤斯福说只要国际军队还在阿富汗他们的组织就不会与他进行和平谈判。

4.That's very good, my name is Yousif Lala, you call me Lala. That's for sure I'll call you if I need any help.非常好啊。我的名字叫约瑟夫。拉拉,你可以称呼我拉拉。如果我需要帮助,我会喊你的。

5.Bahraini blogger Mahmood Al Yousif dedicates a blooming water ply to the freed journapst here.巴林的部落客MahmoodAlYousif在这里为这位获释的记者献上睡莲。

6.Mr Yousif has read the former Fed chairman's memoirs "three or four times" , he says.美联储前主席的回忆录他已经读了“三四次”。

7.Mr Yousif's ambitions date to the founding of modern Islamic finance.优素福先生的雄心源于现代伊斯兰银行的建立。

8.But if anyone can snatch the lead from the Saudis it is Mr Yousif.如果有人能从沙特掳掠人才,此人必定是优素福先生。