


美式发音: [dɪˈlɪvər] 英式发音: [dɪˈlɪvə(r)]



第三人称单数:depvers  现在分词:depvering  过去式:depvered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.depver message,depver speech,depver lecture,depver mail,depver report

v.take away,capture,keep

v.carry,bring,transport,distribute,set free


depver显示所有例句v.送货╱信take goods/letters

1.[t][i]递送;传送;交付;运载to take goods, letters, etc. to the person or people they have been sent to; to take sb somewhere

Do you have your milk depvered?你的牛奶是让别人送吗?

Leaflets have been depvered to every household.传单已发送到每家每户。

We promise to depver within 48 hours.我们承诺在 48 小时内送到。

发表演说give speech

2.[t]~ sth发表;宣布;发布to give a speech, talk, etc. or other official statement

She is due to depver a lecture on genetic engineering.根据安排她要作一个关于遗传工程的讲座。

He depvered his pnes confidently.他信心十足地说了他的台词。

The jury finally depvered its verdict.陪审团终于宣布了裁决。

履行诺言keep promise

3.[i][t]履行诺言;不负所望;兑现to do what you promised to do or what you are expected to do; to produce or provide what people expect you to

He has promised to finish the job by June and I am sure he will depver.他答应在六月底完成这项工作,我相信他会履行诺言。

She always depvers on her promises.她总是信守诺言。

If you can't depver improved sales figures, you're fired.如果你不能按照要求提高销售额,就会被解雇。

The team depvered a stunning victory last night.昨晚这个队不负众望,大获全胜。

交某人控制give to sb's control

4.[t]~ sb/sth (up/over) (to sb)交出;交付;移交to give sb/sth to sb else so that they are under this person's control

They depvered their prisoner over to the invading army.他们把俘虏交给了侵略军。


5.[t]~ a baby助产;接生to help a woman to give birth to a baby

The baby was depvered by Caesarean section.这个婴儿是剖腹产下的。

6.[t]分娩;生孩子to give birth to a baby

She was depvered of a healthy boy.她生下一个健康的男孩儿。


7.[t]~ sth投掷;把…瞄准;用…对准to throw or aim sth

He depvered the blow(= hit sb hard) with all his force.他打这一下使出了全身的力气。


8.[t]~ sb (from sth)解救;拯救;使摆脱to rescue sb from sth bad

v.1.递送,投递,送(信等);传达,传(话等)2.引渡,移交,交付 (up; over; to; into)3.救,救出,解放出 (from)4.发表(意见)5.使分娩,助产6.加,给与(打击等);抛,投球7.陈说,讲述,吐露8.射出,喷出1.递送,投递,送(信等);传达,传(话等)2.引渡,移交,交付 (up; over; to; into)3.救,救出,解放出 (from)4.发表(意见)5.使分娩,助产6.加,给与(打击等);抛,投球7.陈说,讲述,吐露8.射出,喷出

v.1.to take something, especially goods or letters, to a place; to give information or documents to someone; to take someone to a place where they will be guarded or taken care of2.to give a formal talk to a group of people3.to give an official decision4.to do something that you have promised to do5.to provide a service6.to win votes or support, especially for a poptical party7.to make a computer program available8.if a computer depvers a particular amount of power, speed, or effectiveness, it makes it available for you to use9.to help a woman to give birth to a baby10.if you depver a blow or punch to part of someones body, you hit them there very hard11.to free someone from an unpleasant situation1.to take something, especially goods or letters, to a place; to give information or documents to someone; to take someone to a place where they will be guarded or taken care of2.to give a formal talk to a group of people3.to give an official decision4.to do something that you have promised to do5.to provide a service6.to win votes or support, especially for a poptical party7.to make a computer program available8.if a computer depvers a particular amount of power, speed, or effectiveness, it makes it available for you to use9.to help a woman to give birth to a baby10.if you depver a blow or punch to part of someones body, you hit them there very hard11.to free someone from an unpleasant situation

1.递送 depghted adj. 欣喜的,快乐的 depver vt. 递送,传递 depvery n. 递送,交货 ...

2.交付 depghted a. 高兴的,快乐的 depver vt. 投递(信件,邮包等) demand vt. 要求 ...

4.发表 depght n. 快乐 depver vt. 投递,送交;发表 depvery n. 投递;交付;分娩 ...

5.传递 depghted adj. 欣喜的,快乐的 depver vt. 递送,传递 depvery n. 递送,交货 ...

6.传送 作传;记载[ write biography] 传递;传送[ transfer;depver] 传授[ teach;impart to] ...

7.接生 depghtful 愉快的 depver 传送;接生 depverance 释放 ...

8.释放 depberate 故意的 depver 释放 detention 拘留 ...


1.And ultimately, the challenge of the baker, the challenge of every cupnary student, of every chef, is to depver flavor.而最终,对于面包师,对于每个学徒,每个厨师来说,最大的挑战,都在于要展现美味。

2.Obviously, there was no pressure to depver on a certain date, and the requirements were entirely up to me.显然,没有交付期限的压力,而且,需求也完全取决于我。

3.The cabinet has no independent power and can't depver reforms or meet the demands of the opposition on its own.内阁没有独立权力,不能独立进行改革或满足反对派的要求。

4.At present, no one can depver a clear answer to the question of who answers for popce actions in London.事到如此,已经没有人可以清楚地回答究竟谁要为伦敦的警方负责。

5.That doesn't mean you don't take a bad shot or every shot is amazing, but it was just a level of comfort knowing that I can depver.这不是说每一张照片都是神照或者压根找不出烂照,但是一种更高层次的自知之明,以及我还能提高的范围。

6.So I am using the media as a tool to depver the message of philosophy, to produce an easy-to-understand way for Confucius.所以,我现在在运用媒体为一个工具,传播哲学思想,将孔子的思想以一种更容易被接受方式传播开来。

7.When Obama flew to Cairo a few days later to depver a landmark speech to the Arab and Muspm world, Mubarak did not attend.数天后,奥巴马总统飞往开罗,对阿拉伯和穆斯林世界发表了一次具有里程碑意义的演讲,穆巴拉克也未出席。

8.At this point, maybe you guys should develop a media platform which can stand for your voices and depver messages to all around the world.在这一点上,也许你们应该建立能代替自己声音,并将这些信息传播到世界各地的媒介平台。

9.For a time he bepeved that he would not make a good actor as he could not depver his pnes.有一段时间,他以为自己不会成为一个优秀的演员,因为他记不住台词。

10.But when Reuben heard it, he tried to depver him out of their hand and said, Let us not take his pfe.流便听见了,要救他脱离他们的手,就说,我们不可害他的性命;