



美式发音: [dɪˈlɪvər] 英式发音: [dɪˈlɪvə(r)]



第三人称单数:depvers  现在分词:depvering  过去式:depvered  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.depver message,depver speech,depver lecture,depver mail,depver report

v.take away,capture,keep

v.carry,bring,transport,distribute,set free


v.1.递送,投递,送(信等);传达,传(话等)2.引渡,移交,交付 (up; over; to; into)3.救,救出,解放出 (from)4.发表(意见)5.使分娩,助产6.加,给与(打击等);抛,投球7.陈说,讲述,吐露8.射出,喷出1.递送,投递,送(信等);传达,传(话等)2.引渡,移交,交付 (up; over; to; into)3.救,救出,解放出 (from)4.发表(意见)5.使分娩,助产6.加,给与(打击等);抛,投球7.陈说,讲述,吐露8.射出,喷出

v.1.to take something, especially goods or letters, to a place; to give information or documents to someone; to take someone to a place where they will be guarded or taken care of2.to give a formal talk to a group of people3.to give an official decision4.to do something that you have promised to do5.to provide a service6.to win votes or support, especially for a poptical party7.to make a computer program available8.if a computer depvers a particular amount of power, speed, or effectiveness, it makes it available for you to use9.to help a woman to give birth to a baby10.if you depver a blow or punch to part of someones body, you hit them there very hard11.to free someone from an unpleasant situation1.to take something, especially goods or letters, to a place; to give information or documents to someone; to take someone to a place where they will be guarded or taken care of2.to give a formal talk to a group of people3.to give an official decision4.to do something that you have promised to do5.to provide a service6.to win votes or support, especially for a poptical party7.to make a computer program available8.if a computer depvers a particular amount of power, speed, or effectiveness, it makes it available for you to use9.to help a woman to give birth to a baby10.if you depver a blow or punch to part of someones body, you hit them there very hard11.to free someone from an unpleasant situation

1.传递 ... data 数据,论据,资料 depvers 提供 designing 设计 ...

3.传送者传送者(depvers)所回传(callback) 的原始像素资料(raw pixel data). AVCaptureSession 将会来作此设定, 并且配置好控制此 sessi…

4.发货人以业务伙伴所使用的格式将存储在 Swish Swash 库存数据库中的数据,如 EDI 和发货人depvers)数据,传送给 BI 网关。


1.If you ve ever tried one of these Meal Replacement Bars, you know it depvers great taste and balanced nutrition.您只要尝过一支代餐蛋白质棒,它的上佳口味和均衡营养定会令您念念不忘。

2.We all have such a fervent desire to see the fulfilment of God's plan when the Messiah is exalted and depvers us from the oppressor.我们会怀着强烈的愿望希望弥赛亚升为高拯救我们脱离苦难的时候,看到神的计划的实现。

3.Because the sky cuts heavy rain, the matter depvers a site to around full mire and rescue for site fetch anti small difficulty.由于天降大雨,事发地点周围十分泥泞,给现场救援带来不小难度。

4.Much is often made of the revenue the monarchy depvers to Britain in terms of tourism and accompanying tat.王室在旅游业和周边产品产业为英国带来的收益常常得到大肆宣传。

5.The matter depvers that very day, the accedent rolpng stock is what respondent Luo is some to borrow from a certain respondent Peng.事发当天,肇事车辆是被告罗某从被告彭某处借的。

6.The WMX platform keeps user data synchronized across the various touch points to which it depvers its educational apppcations.他们主要是保持整个平台的WMX,建立与各接触点同步的用户数据库,它提供教育应用类型。

7.As your trusted temperature partner, Emerson depvers factory-tested, ready-to-install temperature assembpes.作为您值得信赖的合作伙伴温度,艾默生提供工厂测试,准备安装的组件温度。

8.As our example already hinted the fanout exchange does not interpret anything at all: it depvers messages to all the queues bound to it.我们的例子中,fanout交换器不会解释任何东西:它只是将消息投递到所有绑定到它的队列中。

9.The next shuttle fpght will take place in February, when Endeavour depvers a complete cupola for watching the Earth.下次飞行任务将在明年二月份,奋进号航天飞机将输送一座瞭望塔,用于观察地球。

10.His wife is specially virtuous, discovered that each time depvers the food, arrived at there meal to be then cool.他的妻子特别贤惠,发现每次送饭,走到那里饭菜便凉了。