




1.需求量 需求数量 Demand quantity:-- 总经理助理 assistant for general manager ...

3.需要量 ... Change in Quantity Demand 需求量改变 demand quantity 需要量 ; 需求量 timber demand quantity 木材需求量 ...


1.For a small percentage increase D in demand, quantity rises byapproximately percent and pricerises by approximately percent.需求上升了百分之D,数量上升了约

2.Invites the funds adjustment material demand quantity according to the reapty.根据实际请款调整物料需求数量。

3.While the value-adding capacity is high and demand quantity is large. FP strategy is the best one.当产品增值能力强、市场需求量大时,形式延迟是上策;

4.both of the proportion of breeding and business income have positive effect on financing propensity and credit demand quantity;家庭的养殖业比重和工商业比重会显著增加农户的借贷倾向和借贷规模;

5.Nutrition function of zinc and study of zinc demand quantity for chicken锌的营养作用及鸡对锌需要量的研究

6.Discussion on Appraisal Methods of Need Quantity and Demand Quantity in Community Health Service社区卫生服务需要量及需求量测算方法探讨

7.Prepminary Studies on Methods to Predict Demand Quantity of Construction Land in Inner Mongopa内蒙古自治区建设用地需求量预测方法探究

8.The results show as below: income has a negative effect on financing propensity but has a U-typed effect on credit demand quantity;研究结果显示:收入对农户的借贷倾向影响是负向的,但收入对借贷需求规模的影响是呈现“U”型的;

9.Discussion on water demand quantity for ecologic environment关于生态环境需水量的探讨

10.An EOQ Model Related Cost Per Unit to Order Quantity and Demand Quantity单位成本与订货量和需求量相关的EOQ模型研究