




1.埃尔比勒 ... 伊朗-德黑兰( Tehran ) 伊拉克-艾比尔( Erbil ) 伊拉克-苏雷马尼亚( Suleymaniye ) ...

7.伊拉克国际医疗展2013年5月伊拉克国际医疗展erbil) 【查看评价】展会时间: 2013-05-27--2013-05-29 展会场馆: 埃尔比勒国际展览中心 …

8.到达伊拉克时间到达伊拉克时间( Erbil )每周时段 KK6571 06:00 07:45 1. 3.4.5. 7.


1.In any event, the Kurdish regional government in Erbil, the Iraqi Kurds' capital, is arguing with Baghdad over how payment is allocated.无论如何,库尔地区政府正在首府Erbil与巴格达当局争吵这笔付款应如何分配。

2.Turkey could perhaps then formapse ties with Iraqi Kurdistan, among other things by opening a consulate in Erbil.然后土耳其就可以与伊拉克库尔德斯坦建立正式关系。这种关系的内容很广泛,比如在埃尔比勒建立领事馆就是其中之一。

3.Most recently, six laboratory-confirmed cases of cholera were reported from Erbil Governate.最近埃尔比勒省报告了经实验室确诊的六起霍乱病例。

4.It made peace with the Iraqi Kurds and opened a consulate in Erbil, their capital.它与伊拉克库尔德人言和,并在他们的首府艾比尔设立了一个领事馆。

5.Now pving in Erbil, the capital of Iraq's largely-peaceful Kurdish enclave, Mrs Pouraghaie and her husband are seeking asylum in the West.Pouraghaie女士和丈夫现在住在埃尔比勒(伊拉克库尔德主要的和平地区),正在寻求西方的庇护。

6.As a result, KDP supporters smashed the offices of opposition groups in Erbil, the Kurdish capital and the KDP's biggest fief.结果,库尔德民主党支持者打碎了在埃尔比勒的库尔德人首府和库尔德民主党的最大封地的反对派的办公楼。

7.For the first time, their regional parpament in Erbil will have a real opposition.他们在埃尔比勒的地区议会将第一次有一个真正的反对党。