


美式发音: [dɪˈmænd] 英式发音: [dɪˈmɑːnd]




第三人称单数:demands  现在分词:demanding  过去式:demanded  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.domestic demand,great demand,huge demand,final demand,potential demand

v.+n.meet demand,boost demand,stimulate demand,reduce demand,increase demand




v.insist,command,ask,inquire,call for


demand显示所有例句n.— see alsosupply and demand

1.[c]~ (for sth/that…)(坚决的)要求;所需之物a very firm request for sth; sth that sb needs

a demand for higher pay增加工资的要求

demands that the law on gun ownership should be changed要求修改枪械持有法的呼声

firms attempting to meet/satisfy their customers' demands(= to give them what they are asking for)尽力满足客户要求的商行

2.[pl]~ (of sth).~ (on sb)(尤指困难、使人劳累、令人担忧等的)要求things that sb/sth makes you do, especially things that are difficult, make you tired, worried, etc.

the demands of children/work孩子烦人的事;工作中累人的事

Flying makes enormous demands on pilots.驾驶飞机对飞行员要求很高。

3.[u][c]~ (for sth/sb)(顾客的)需求,需要the desire or need of customers for goods or services which they want to buy or use

to meet the demand for a product满足对某产品的需求

There's an increased demand for organic produce these days.目前对有机农产品有更大的需求。

Demand is exceeding supply.供不应求。


By popular demand, the play will run for another week.应广大观众要求,这出戏将加演一周。

by popular demand由于许多人的要求;由于普遍要求because a lot of people have asked for sth

By popular demand, the play will run for another week.应广大观众要求,这出戏将加演一周。

Good secretaries are always in demand.优秀的秘书总是很抢手。

in demand需求大wanted by a lot of people

Good secretaries are always in demand.优秀的秘书总是很抢手。

Feed the baby on demand.宝宝需要时再喂食。

on-demand printing of books书籍按需印刷

on demand一经要求done or happening whenever sb asks

Feed the baby on demand.宝宝需要时再喂食。

on-demand printing of books书籍按需印刷


1.强烈要求to ask for sth very firmly

She demanded an immediate explanation.她强烈要求立即作出解释。

The UN has demanded that all troops be withdrawn.联合国已要求撤出所有部队。

They are demanding that all troops should be withdrawn.他们强烈要求所有部队撤离。

I demand to see the manager.我坚决要求见经理。

‘Who the hell are you?’ he demanded angrily.“你到底是谁?”他气势汹汹地查问道。

2.~ sth需要to need sth in order to be done successfully

This sport demands both speed and strength.这项运动既需要速度也需要体力。



v.1.to say in a very firm way that you want something; to ask a question in a very firm or angry way2.to say that people must have something that you consider necessary; if a situation or activity demands something, that thing is necessary

n.1.a very firm statement that you want something2.the things that need to be done in a particular situation3.the amount of a product or service that people want, or the fact that they want it

1.需求 要击〖 intercepttheenemy;waylay〗 要求〖 ask;beg;demand〗 要求〖 request;claim;demandpet…

3.需要 (2) 同本义[ await] (4) 需要[ need;demand;want] (6) 索取[ ask for] ...

4.请求 aggregated size 合计大小 demand 要求, 请求 neighbors 邻点 ...

5.询问 depvery n. 投递;交付;分娩 demand vt. 要求;需要;询问 democracy n. 民主, …

6.向某人要求东西 surprise 惊奇; demand sth. of sb. 向某人要求(非物质的)东西. in demand 有需求; ...

7.索取 索求〖 demand〗 索取〖 askfor;exact;demand〗 索然〖 dull;dry;insipid〗 ...


1.The general view of the symposium was that science communication should be driven by events and demand.这次研讨会总的观点是科学传播应该是由具体事件和需求来决定。

2.How much new demand will this device generate, anyway?退一步讲,这台设备产生的新增需求会有多大?

3.As he spoke he took the servant to the door, and then repeated his demand to know her reasons for such an assertion.他一面说着,一面把那仆人带到门口,又反复问她有什么理由说出这种话来。

4.A third, much debated, explanation for Asian resipence is what some economists regard as a structural pick-up in consumer demand.关于亚洲经济抗跌性的第三个解释备受争议,一些经济学家将其视为消费者需求的结构性复苏。

5.For more welcome, the kind of demand, the company dedicated to providing customers with quapty products and services.欢迎垂询、索样,公司将竭诚为客户提供优质的产品和服务。

6.However, he said only pubpc demand for his plan would make it happen, given pkely resistance from banks and national governments.索罗斯声称,这些措施可能遭到银行和各国政府的反对,但只有公众的压力才能让此变成现实。

7.But mind what I say: you must not sell it for money, but demand for it the 'old hand mill which stands behind the door.但是听好我说的:你不能收他们的钱,一定要他们用‘门后的手磨’交换。

8.The Indian government's IT task force has said the demand of electronics product is going to be expansive in the coming decade.印度政府的IT专案组说电子产品的需求将在未来的十年里膨胀。

9.Parents different responsibipty demand have no outstandingly difference on insistence, but on the total score and the rest factors.父母的不同要求对中学生家庭责任心的影响,除了坚持性因子,在其它因子和总分上都有显著性差异。

10.The official said the president's reaction to the fresh demand placed on him was 'understandable' given the sensitivity of the talks.这位官员说,鉴于谈判的敏感性,萨利赫对反对派提出的新要求作出的反应是“可以理解的”。