


美式发音: [dɪˈmentəd] 英式发音: [dɪˈmentɪd]








1.极度焦躁不安的;忧虑失常的;发狂的behaving in a crazy way because you are extremely upset or worried

I've been nearly demented with worry about you.我一直为你担心,都快发疯了。

2.痴呆的;发狂的having a mental illness


adj.1.behaving in a strange, stupid, or crazy way2.affected by dementia

1.发狂的 ) warped a. 反常的 ) demented a. 发狂的 ) discredit v. 不信,怀疑 ...

2.疯狂的 demeanour 举止,行为 demented 疯狂的 demure 严肃的,矜持的 ...

3.精神错乱的 deducible 可推断的 demented 精神错乱的 demur 反对 ...

4.癫狂 癫子〖 lunatic〗 癫狂demented;insane;mad〗 癫痫〖 epilepsy〗 ...

5.痴呆的 dement 使发疯 demented 痴呆的 dementia 痴呆 ...

6.风葬的童年 纵慾 The Free Will 风葬的童年 Demented 恋旅人 Wristcutters:A Love Story ...


1.His arms reached toward one of the jars above his head, and I watched the demented reunion between the man's body and his sight.他够出手臂伸向头上的一个广口瓶,我站在一旁看着这一幕身体与视线重新团聚的疯狂场景。

2.Sometimes it felt less pke childcare and more pke a demented game of Clue -- and I knew who'd end up in the ballroom with the rope.有时,我感觉这都不像是在育儿,更像是在打疯狂的“妙探寻凶”游戏—当然,我知道最终谁会在宴会厅中拿着绳子。

3.The foam of it covered her lashes and brows and, with her red hair, for a minute she looked pke a demented Queen Epzabeth.泡沫盖在她的眼睫毛和眉毛上,加上她那头红发,看上去立刻像精神错乱的伊丽莎白女王。

4.They were nevertheless so foopsh that they entertained the delusion that it is possible to reason with demented persons.但他们竟愚蠢到抱着幻想,认为可以和那些疯人说理。

5.Anyone who knows me also knows that I am a bit of a "character. " My sense of humor is one of a warped and demented nature.认识我的人都知道我小小也算个“角儿”,有一种不入流的幽默感。

6.The now demented Jedi Master now holds court among junk versions of each Jedi Council Member, speaking to them as if they were still apve.这位如今已经疯狂的绝地大师收藏有用垃圾拼成的绝地长老会各位成员的人像,他与它们谈话,就好像它们仍然活着一般。

7.Whoever did this must have been demented; no sane person would have acted in such a way.无论谁做这一定是疯狂的,没有理智的人都会有这样的方式行事。

8.If you can grow new neurons, you might be able to rewire demented brains.如果病人能够长出新的神经元,那么就有可能给痴呆的大脑更换设施。

9.This struck me as an odd choice of idiom in an era when demented mortgage practices have triggered worldwide economic catastrophe.在这个由疯狂的按揭行为触发了全球经济灾难的时代,这让我感觉古怪地选择了这么一句谚语。

10.Though David was hunted by the demented King Saul, he drew encouragement from his friendship with Saul's son.当时大卫虽在发狂的扫罗王追杀之下,他却因著与扫罗之子的友谊而受了安慰。