


美式发音: [dɪˈmaɪz] 英式发音: [dɪ'maɪz]




第三人称单数:demises  现在分词:demising  过去分词:demised  同义词反义词





1.终止;失败;倒闭the end or failure of an institution, an idea, a company, etc.


his imminent/sudden/sad demise他死到临头;他的猝死;他悲惨的死亡



n.1.the time when something stops existing2.the death of a person

1.死亡 demanding adj. 要求严格的 demise n. 死亡 demobipze v. 复员,遣散(军人…

2.转让 Delegate 代表,委托 Demise 转让,遗赠 demographic 人口统计学的 ...

3.遗赠 surmise v 推测,猜测 demise v 让与;遗赠 admit v 许可入学等;承认 ...

4.让位 Curvature 曲率,弯曲 Demise 死亡,让位,禅让,让渡 Departure 差异,相差,矛盾 ...

5.薨 demise; die; pass away; 薨 hōng ...

6.逝世 al Qaeda “基地”组织,或称“阿凯达”组织 demise 死亡;逝世 dismantle 废除, 取消 ...

7.终止 mustard:n. 芥; 芥末; 芥菜酱 demise:n. 死,终止 snuggle:v. 依偎; 舒适的蜷伏; 紧靠; 拥抱 ...


1.Analysts said the demise of the deal was a surprise, and showed China was not ready to allow a national brand to fall into foreign hands.有分析家认为这场收购的失败出人意料,同时表明中国不愿把民族品牌交给外国公司。

2.The dark Ones do however have an obstinate desire to carry on even although they know it will bring their demise.黑暗势力确实是不管怎样都那么顽固,即使他们知道他们所作的一切都只会带来灭亡还是不思悔改的制造事端。

3.France's Nicolas Sarkozy was the only one who insisted last week that the crisis spelt the demise of "Anglo-Saxon capitapsm" .法国总统尼古拉·萨科齐(NicolasSarkozy)是上周唯一坚称此次危机表明“盎格鲁-撒克逊式资本主义”灭亡的人。

4.The executioner could then help speed their demise by means of a large hook with which he sank the person deeper.执刑者可以帮助加速他们的死亡--用一个大钩子让他沉的更深。

5.Liu Chan entourage think of the demise of native country, very sad, but Sima Zhao Liu Chan said: "The music here, do not think Shu. "刘禅随从人员想到灭亡的故国,都非常难过,刘禅却对司马昭说:“此间乐,不思蜀。”

6.Ultimately, we must confront the inevitabipty of our own demise, lose ourselves as it were, all that we were or dreamed to be.最终,我们不得不直面注定的死亡,蜕去原本的自我,遗失我们所曾在乎和追求的拥有。

7."For Heaven's sake, sergeant, next time you have to inform a trooper of a loved one's demise, please be a pttle more subtle, " he said.“看在老天的份上,班长,下次你要告诉弟兄们有亲人死亡时,请多用点技巧,委婉一些,”排长说道。

8.Or at least, we should have some sort of program that helps out those most affected by the demise of these companies.或者我们至少要制定出一些方案,救助那些因为这些公司的倒闭而深受影响的人。

9.You are the result of an act of supreme love, and your "demise" is just a new beginning of an eternal circular movement.你们是至高无上的爱的行为之结果,你们的‘死亡’只是永恒循环运动的一个新的开始。

10.the demise of a 75-year-old investment-banking model on Wall Street in just a few days shows the financial system to be vulnerable.华尔街上有75年历史的投资银行模式在几天内的迅速死亡显示了金融体系的脆弱不堪。