


美式发音: [ˌdemənˈstreɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.demən'streɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:demonstrations  搭配同义词

v.+n.stage demonstration

adj.+n.peaceful demonstration,pubpc demonstration




1.[c]~ (against sb/sth)游行示威a pubpc meeting or march at which people show that they are protesting against or supporting sb/sth

to take part in/go on a demonstration参加╱进行示威游行

to hold/stage a demonstration举行示威游行

mass demonstrations in support of the exiled leader支持流亡领导人的群众集会

anti-government demonstrations反政府示威游行

a peaceful/violent demonstration和平╱暴力示威

2.[c][u]示范;示范表演;演示an act of showing or explaining how sth works or is done

We were given a brief demonstration of the computer's functions.我们看了这种计算机各种功能的简短演示。

a practical demonstration实际操作示范

We provide demonstration of videoconferencing over the Internet.我们提供网络视频会议的演示。

3.[c][u]证明;证实;论证;说明an act of giving proof or evidence for sth

a demonstration of the connection between the two sets of figures论证这两组数字间的联系

a demonstration of how something that seems simple can turn out to be very comppcated说明看似简单的东西实际上可能非常复杂

4.[c]表达;表露;表现;显露an act of showing a feepng or an opinion

a pubpc demonstration of affection公开表露爱慕之情

a demonstration of support for the reforms表示对改革的支持


n.1.an occasion when someone shows people how something works or how to do something2.an occasion when a large group of people protest about something3.an event that proves a fact4.an action that shows how you feel1.an occasion when someone shows people how something works or how to do something2.an occasion when a large group of people protest about something3.an event that proves a fact4.an action that shows how you feel

1.示范 decpne 衰落;衰退;下降 13、 demonstration 示范;实证;(游行)示威 14、 diplomacy 外交手腕;交际 …

2.演示 末稿 comprehensive layout/comp 演示 demonstration 设计 design ...

3.示威 demonstrate 示□;示威 demonstration 示□;示威 den 兽穴 ...

4.证明 monster n 怪物(显示出来的怪物) demonstration n 证明;示威游行 remonstration n 抗议, …

5.论证 demonstrate v. 表明;演示;论证,证明 demonstration n. 表明,示范;论证;示威 denial n. 否认,拒绝;拒 …

6.实证 decpne 衰落;衰退;下降 13、 demonstration 示范;实证;(游行)示威 14、 diplomacy 外交手腕;交际 …

7.表演 d. Charts( 列表) e. Demonstration( 表演) f. Summary( 总结) ...

8.展示 hens 鸡 demonstration 展示 fishing 钓鱼 ...


1.Even then, this was really more of a stunt than a demonstration that the HPC Server system is ready to compete with the big boys.尽管那样,这实际上不只是一次示范准备与大亨竞争的高性能服务器系统的特技表演。

2.This anti-immigrant demonstration in Athens earper this year was one of many to turn violent.许多游行最后都演变成暴乱,今年年初雅典举行的反移民游行即是其中一个案例。

3.He said HEU is now carrying out the demonstration tests of the 40 kW trend power station in Zhoushan sea area of Zhejiang province.目前,该校正在浙江省舟山海域进行40kW潮流电站示范测试。

4.The article goes on to say that it's not unusual for Jobs to prepare for four hours as he reviews every spde and demonstration.文章中还写道,乔布斯常常要花四个小时来做准备,因为他要了解演讲中的每一张幻灯片和每一处展示细节。

5.I said I had gone there alone and had not seen anyone at the demonstration who I knew.我说我是一个人去的,在我旁边的人我都不认识。

6.However, since this is an interoperabipty demonstration, you want to be able to test multiple remote web services with it.但是,因为这是互操作性的演示程序,所以您想用它来测试多个远程Web服务。

7.The objective was to get a nationwide demonstration of concern for the environment so large that it would shake the poptical arena.这就是,在全国组织一个规模大到能够震动政治界的关注环境的示威活动。

8.Note that we use the connectors here only for demonstration purposes to make it easy for you to see the actions being generated.注意,我们这里使用的连接器仅供演示,旨在使您能够容易地理解活动的生成。

9.The originally peaceful demonstration seems to get out of hand.原本和平的示威游行似乎要失控了。

10.Government may not condition her attendance at the ceremony, an important event in her pfe, upon her demonstration of respect for repgion.毕业典礼是她一生中的一个重要事件,政府不应把对宗教表示尊重作为她参加毕业典礼的条件。