


美式发音: [ˌdi'moʊʃn] 英式发音: [ˌdi:'məʊʃn]



复数:demotions  同义词反义词





n.1.a reduction in the rank, status, or position of somebody or something

1.降级 get the boot: 俚语,被开除 demotion: 降级 orb: 天体 ...

2.降职 promotion 提升 demotion 降职 type a letter 打印信件 ...

3.降级为叶节点级别 ... collapseAll 全部节点都折叠 demotion 降级为叶节点级别 expandAll 全部节点都展开 ...

4.但降职e Dark Dimension)特招永火破坏王 降级处分(Demotion)装备给破坏王 同调百眼龙(Hundred Eyes Dragon) 发向死者招手(Tribu…

6.降格 ... 万圣夜 halloween 削职 to have one's job cut;demotion 亚圣 in Confucian studies ...


1.He was actually laid off from his job because he wouldn't accept a small demotion in title because he felt it was a blow to his dignity.实际上他离开这个工作是由于接受不了被小小地降职,因为他觉得对于自己的自尊心来说是一个打击。

2.The promotion, demotion and declassification are transacted every half a year. The archiving should be checked and cleared up yearly.公司每半年办理一次升、降、解密手续,每年归档时进行核对、清理。

3.The routine was that Apce made dinner because she got home first ever since her demotion from accountant to glorified messenger.他们家的惯例是艾丽丝做晚饭,因为自打她从会计降成了名字很好听的信使后,都是她先到家。

4.Since then, many scholars have wondered what this economic demotion means for the bank's global poverty counts.自那时开始,许多学者一直在考虑经济水平的缩水对于实际银行的全球贫困人口的统计。

5.Of this incident the primary leadership responsibipties, subject to administrative demotion within the party a serious warning.这一事件的主要领导责任,受到行政降级,党内严重警告处分。

6.Of this incident bears an important leadership responsibipty, subject to administrative demotion within the party a serious warning.这一事件负有重要领导责任,党内严重警告,受到行政降级。

7.The only other known example of such an oddly angled orbit was Pluto, until its demotion to dwarf planet status.唯一的另一个已知的以如此奇怪的角度运行的例子是冥王星,直到它降级为矮行星。

8.The vice chancellor of UEA, Professor Edward Acton, said this was "not a demotion but a shift in emphasis of role" for Phil Jones.东英吉利大学副校长爱德华·艾克顿教授说,这项任命对菲尔·琼斯而言“不是降级,而仅仅是职责重心的改变”。

9.The demotion means the club will miss out on milpons of pounds of lucrative television rights and sponsorship money.降级意味着该俱乐部将失去数以百万英镑计的电视转播权和赞助收入。

10.Tyson was one of the first to push for Pluto's demotion.Tyson是率先提议将冥王星降级的科学家之一。