


美式发音: [ˈɡlɑt(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈɡlɒt(ə)l]







1.声门音;喉音a speech sound produced by the glottis


adj.1.a glottal sound is one that you make in speaking when you partly or completely stop air as it passes through the throat

n.1.a glottal stop

1.声门音 velar 腭音 glottal 声门音 uvular 小舌音 ...

2.喉音 gpde 滑音 glottal 喉音 glottis 声门 ...

3.声门的 glost-fired 烧釉固定 glottal 声门的 glottis 声门 ...

4.喉头音 g. 喉头音(Glottal)或气音(aspirated)(发音时如清喉头): h. 滑音(发音时由双唇位置滑到上软齶):   。


1.Aphonia, also calls the glottal, is refers to the pronunciation to be impeded, sound hoarse one kind of card period of five days.失音,又称喉音,是指发音不畅,声音嘶哑的一种证候。

2.Glottal stop did not exist according to the structure of original phonology in Japanese.根据日语原始的音韵结构,最先没有促音。

3.The vocapc effects of register in the Yi and Bai languages: differences of glottal wave shape (source) or of spectral timbre (resonance)?彝语和白语的元音交替:声门波(声源)不同或是音色(共鸣腔)差异?

4.( BOW ) a glottal open. I with the boys at the same time to the door to look, Ji Chenyu. Followed by sunny girl called angepca.的一声门被打开了。我跟男生同时往门口看去,是纪晨羽。后面还跟着叫芷晴的女生。

5.The phonological characteristics and correction of glottal stop after cleft palate surgery腭裂患者声门爆破音临床特点及其矫治

6.Novel Glottal Analyzing Algorithm for Natural Utterance一种自然语流的声源分析方法

7.Glottal stops of patients with cleft palate: A prepminary acoustic study腭裂患者喉塞音的声学特征初探

8.Effect of high flow oxygen therapy in the glottal prozone upon on cardiac rhythm and electrocardiac activity in brain death patients呼吸停止病人声门前高浓度输氧对心律与心电活动的影响更详细。

9.Latin Letter Inverted Glottal Stop拉丁文字母竖翻喉塞音符

10.Tone Recognition Based on Estimation of Glottal Closure Instances基于声门闭合时刻估计的声调的提取