



adj. 模树石的, 树枝状的


副词: dendritically | 异体字: dendritical |


【解】树状突的; 树状的



副词: dendritically | 异体字: dendritical |

1.翻译:树枝状的 dendritic
(technical)having a branched form resembling a tree
翻译:(Physiology)of or relating to a dendrite or dendrites
翻译:(of a solid) consisting of crystalline dendrites
dendritic salt.


形容词 dendritic:

(neuroscience) of or relating to or resembling a dendrite


1. Last year my colleagues and I reported that dendritic cells from the blood of people with lupus are unnaturally active.


2. CD21also expresses on the surface of follicular dendritic cells,which mediates the long-term maintenance of antigens and is indispensable for maintaining the memory of B cells.


3. CpG ODN also induce maturation of dendritic cells and facilitate activation of Thl immune response.


4. Proliferation determined by MTT indicated that the ability of dendritic cells to stimulate T-cell proliferation greatly depended on BXD RI strain that was used as a stimulator.


5. Impact of contin- ued stimulation by LPS to maturation of mouse bone marrow- derived dendritic cell[J].China J Microbiol Immunol, 2004, 24 (1):6-9.

LPS持续刺激对小鼠骨髓树突状细 胞成熟的影响[J]. 中华微生物学和免疫学杂志, 2004, 24(1):6- 9.

6. CD83~+ mature dendritic cells did not exist in either SARS spleens or the control spleens.


7. In the spleens of SARS patients,the number of S-100~+ dendritic cells in the white pulp was reduced by 80.4% on average,and even disappeard.


8. The apoptosis of IH cells may be resulted from the immune response which is caused mainly by T cells and dendritic cells . aiming at the Fas antigen of IH cells and mediated byFas/FasL.


9. Weyand hypothesizes that the dendritic cells in arteries are mainly performing a protective, calming function.

Weyand s提出的假说认为动脉内的树突细胞起着一种保护作用。

10. Research began by ferreting out an antigen that could be displayed by a dendritic cell.


11. In males, however, the complex environment either had no effect on the dendritic trees or pruned them slightly.


12. The improved efficacy over rituximab monotherapy may be due to increases seen in monocyte, granulocyte, and dendritic cell populations.


13. In contrast, the easy form of human AIDS and rhesus monkeys dendritic cells can easily be activated HIV and SIV.


14. Red blood cells that have been infected by malaria parasites, for instance, bind to dendritic cells and prevent them from maturing and alerting the immune system to the presence of the invaders.


15. These dendritic bis(oxazoline) catalysts showed similar reactivities and enantioseletivities in comparison to the small molecular bis(oxazoline) catalyst. 3.


16. The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) hitches a ride inside dendritic cells to travel to lymph nodes, where it infects and wipes out helper T cells, causing AIDS.


17. They find decreased dendritic branching in the hippocampus in first-time dams at the time of weaning and more dendritic spines in second-time moms.


18. Interpretations based on the possible existence of a dendritic pattern are somewhat speculative.


19. But dendritic cells do not normally recognise cancer cells as dangerous.


20. In contrast to CD80 and CD86, the novel B7 molecules are more broadly expressed on the surface of macrophages,dendritic cells and other APCs.


21. A possible explanation is that dendritic cells from iliac arteries are better able to sense flagellae because of the abundant bacterial flora that inhabits the gut, Weyand says.


22. Combatants of innate immunity include NK cells (natural killer), macrophages, dendritic cells as well as other neutrophils.


23. Differences exist in the quantity, morphology and function of dendritic cells as well as the content of cytokines between photoaging skin and chronologically aging skin.


24. Zu Li River to the county for the backbone, distribution of dendritic gully, around the "V"-shaped deep.


25. IN THE MEANTIME, other scientists are looking at ways to turn off the activity of dendritic cells in instances where they exacerbate disease instead of fighting it.


26. Numerical simulation of dendritic growth process is one of the most interested fields in material science.


27. Youg JW. Dendritic cells stimcclate primecry human cytolytic lymphocyte responses in the absence of CD4+ helper T cells[J]. J Exp Med,1990,171:1315.


28. Prostate cancer(PCa)can reduce the number and function of tumor infiltrated dendritic cells(TIDC)by a series of complicated mechanisms,escaping from immunosurveillance.


29. This includes HBV antigen positive dendritic cells or we just call it HBV DNA vaccine or we call it the cytokine-induced killer cells, CIK cells.

包括:HBV 抗原性阳性的树突状细胞,或我们称为“HBV DNA疫苗”,以及我们称为“细胞因子诱导的杀伤细胞(CIK细胞)”。

30. Their maturation process is not only important for establishing normal visual functions, but may also underlie the dendritic remodeling of ganglion cells during development.


31. Conversely, the tumors might mutate to "escape" the immune onslaught engendered by a dendritic cell vaccine.


32. A cellular automaton model was developed to simulate the primary spacing selection of dendritic array during directional solidification.


33. It indicates that the shape of W and WC grains is varied,such as dendritic and chain structure,and there are many crystal defects in WC grains.


34. Combatants of innate immunity include NK (natural killer) cells, macrophages, dendritic cells as well as other neutrophils.


35. On the other hand, these dendritic cells in the immune systems of mangabeys are readily activated by SIV/HIV.


36. What is more, self-assembly of dendrimer into liquid crystalline aggresgates and dendritic self-assembled monolayers are displayed.


37. We draw the conclusion: The anisotropy intensity influence growth speed of dendritic peak,and reseau precision i...


38. The fractography reveals that the alloy has high ductility because the dendritic phases produce in the alloy.

合金的断口分析结果表明, 由于产生了塑性枝晶相, 因此该合金具有较高塑性。

39. The same thing may occur in dendritic cells, although so far very little is known about how these cells respond to HIV.


40. Airway dendritic cells capture allergen in the mucosa and present it to T cells after migration into draining lymph nodes.


41. However, there was no difference in the ADCC functions of dendritic cells between asthmatic mice and the normal controls ( P <0 05).

哮喘小鼠树突状细胞自然状态下ADCC作用与对照组无显著差异 (P <0 0 5)。

42. The postcapillary venule, the collecting venule and the venule could be described in the section.The branches of the venules were“dendritic”.


43. The results are consistent with contact-dependent signaling between dendritic protrusions and astrocyte processes during the formation of dendritic spines.


44. There are a series of differentiate from immature dendritic cells(imDC) to maure dendritic cells(mDC) after pathogens or alloantigens'stimulation.

在树突状细胞的发育过程中,不成熟树突状细胞(immature dendritic cell,imDC)与成熟DC(mature dendritic cell,mDC)在表型特征以及生物学功能上都有区别。

45. The mushy zone was divided into dendrites region and free equiaxed grains region by the dendritic coherency point.


46. "In this model we have shown that the dendritic interactions are enhanced enough to trigger a massive positive-feedback on activity.


47. Atrophied synaptic connections in the decisive regions of the prefrontal cortex resprouted, while the overgrown dendritic vines of the habit-prone sensorimotor striatum retreated.


48. Accumulating evidence has revealed CpG-ODN activate directly proliferation of B cells, facilitate maturation of dendritic cells and induce secretion of cytokines from APCs.


49. Several groups of researchers are now devising approaches to prevent such microbes from hijacking dendritic cells; some are even seeking to use supercharged dendritic cells to fight the infections.


50. If a dendritic cell prompts the wrong type of cytokine, the body can mount the wrong offense.


51. This paper reviews current advances in the preparation and the clinical application of dendritic cell-based tumor vaccines for tumor immunotherapy.


52. So many institutions are studying in therapeutic vaccines, which aim is to therapy HIV with dendritic cells loading objective elements.It is a hope to patient infected HIV.


53. The B7 molecules can be expressed on APCs including monocytes, macrophages, B cells, dendritic cells,and activated T cells.

并进一步证明了是肿瘤细胞表面的B7分子协同激活了肿瘤抗原特性的CD8+CTL细胞。 不久Allison等人也报道了相似结果,肯定了前者的成果。

54. Suss G, Shortman K. A subclasss of dendritic cells kills CD4 T cellsvia Fas/ Fas2ligand induced apoptosis [J ] . J Ex p Med , 1996 , 183(4) :178921796.


55. In these cases, shutting down the activity of dendritic cells could lead to new therapies.


56. The morphology of DC from chronic hepatitis B(CHB) patients is atypical,with less cytoplasmal processes,not typical dendritic like.

慢性乙型肝炎 (CHB)患者DC数量较少 ,胞质突起较少 ,形态不典型 ,在细胞发育分化成熟后仍保持较强的吞噬能力。

57. Mature dendritic cells are capable of presenting antigen to T cells and activation of T cells leading to release of cytokines,which contribute to atherogenesis.


58. Dendritic cells acquired by MACS from human peripheral blood were fused with human breast carcinoma cell line,MCF7.


59. Dendritic structure which has diverse architectural modeling with well seismic performance is a new structure of the space structure.


60. Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most important antigen-presenting cells in vivo, which have unique immune function.


61. Abstract Objective To evaluate intratumoral injection of dendritic cells (DC) for the treatment of malignant gliomas.


62. Objective To study the immune response of dendritic cells (DC) modified with tumor antigen and SEB to transplanted tumor in nude mice.


63. The classification, structure, properties and applications of dendritic polymers were introduced briefly and their uses in leather industry were discussed intensively.


64. Follicular dendritic cell (FDC) tumor of the liver is a recently recognized entity.


65. Abstract: The most characteristic and commonly observed surface microtopographs of synthetic diamond crystals are dendritic patterns, layer patterns, spiral growth steps and growth hillocks on both octahedral and cubic faces.


66. Methods: 101 cases (126 eyes) of dendritic keratitis were painted with carbolic acid or trichloroacetic acid following topical anesthesia with 1% Dicaine and then dressed.


67. Furthermore, the possible topics of amphiphilic dendritic polymer in the future investigation are discussed.


68. Rice recently showed that YF17D directly infects dendritic cells.


69. Langerhans cells are dendritic cells found in the skin and function by internalizing antigens (foreign particles) and presenting them to T cells.They arise from monocytes.


70. This article review recent advances of lung cancer biotherapy and biochemotherapy,including molecule targeted therapy and gene modified dendritic cell therapy.


71. There are several modifications of the dendritic design.


72. Development of the dendritic pattern is influenced by the type and attitude of rock the erosion encounters.


73. Dendritic protrusions stabilized after making contact with astrocytes, such that protrusion lifetimes were longer if contact occurred.


74. Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most potent APCs in the immune system and the only ones capable of sensitising naive, unprimed T cells.

树突状细胞(DC)在免疫反应中起关键的免疫调节作用,可以激活初始型及静息 T 淋巴细胞,是免疫反应的始动者,可以诱导抗原特异的细胞毒性 T 细胞(CTL)产生。

75. Dendritic cells(DCs) are known as the most efficient antigen-presenting cells that are potent stimulators of both B and T cell immune responses.


76. Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most potent antigen-presenting cells (APCs) specialized to initiate primary immune responses.


77. Dendritic cells (DCs) are one of the most potent antigen presenting cells (APCs).


78. Dendritic cell (SEM). By permission of Kurt E.J. Dittmar.


79. The active immunotherapy of dendritic cells is hot in tumor therapy research area.


80. Dendritic cells are the most potent antigen-presenting cells and play an important role in atherogenesis.
