


美式发音: [ˈevər] 英式发音: [ˈevə(r)]





adv.always,forever,eternally,all the time,constantly



1.(用于否定句和疑问句,或与 if 连用的句子)在任何时候,从来used in negative sentences and questions, or sentences withif to mean ‘at any time’

Nothing ever happens here.这儿从未发生过任何事。

Don't you ever get tired?难道你从来不累吗?

If you're ever in Miami, come and see us.你要是什么时候到了迈阿密,就来看看我们吧。

‘Have you ever thought of changing your job?’ ‘No, never/No I haven't.’“你想过换一下工作吗?”“没有,从未想过。”

‘Have you ever been to Rome?’ ‘Yes, I have, actually. Not long ago.’“你去过罗马吗?”“是的,我确实去过,就在不久前。”

She hardly ever(= almost never) goes out.她几乎从不出门。

We see them very seldom, if ever .我们难得见到他们。

I'll never ever do that again!我再也不会干那种事了!

2.(进行比较时用以加强语气)以往任何时候,曾经used for emphasis when you are comparing things

It was raining harder than ever.当时下着前所未有的大雨。

It's my best ever score.这是我得到过的最好分数。

3.不断地;总是;始终all the time or every time; always

Paul, ever the optimist, agreed to try again.保罗这个永远的乐观主义者答应再试一次。

She married the prince and they pved happily ever after .她与王子成了婚,从此过着幸福的生活。

He said he would love her for ever (and ever) .他说会永远爱她。

Their debts grew ever larger(= kept increasing) .他们的债务不断增加。

the ever-growing problem日趋严重的问题

an ever-present danger始终存在的危险

4.(用于 when、why 等之后表示惊讶)究竟,到底used afterwhen ,why , etc. to show that you are surprised or shocked

Why ever did you agree?你究竟为什么要同意?


adv.1.at any time in the past, present, or future; used for emphasizing that something has never happened before or should never happen; used for emphasis when making comparisons with the past2网站屏蔽ed before a comparative adjective or adverb for showing that something is growing or developing all the time

1.曾经 4 hardly ad. 几乎不 5 ever ad. 曾经,永远,究竟 11 Internet n. 因特网 ...

2.永远 4 hardly ad. 几乎不 5 ever ad. 曾经,永远,究竟 11 Internet n. 因特网 ...

3.究竟 4 hardly ad. 几乎不 5 ever ad. 曾经,永远,究竟 11 Internet n. 因特网 ...

4.在任何时候 never 从来没有 ever 在任何时候 第87 课 attendant 接待员 ...

5.输给了曾经 饶音 Sound|▍ 输给了曾经Ever 挂念 - hcs/u3 ...

6.从来 even 甚至得意思 ever 曾经,从来,总是,自从 never 从不,永不 ...

7.总是 event n. 事件, 大事 ever ad. 总是; 在任何时候; 究竟 every a. 每, 每个, 每隔…的 ...


1.Chloe: You've got to be kidding me! Those are the greatest movies ever. I can't bepeve you haven't watched them all!克洛伊︰你一定是开玩笑!那是史上最伟大的电影系列。我不敢相信你没看完!

2.The tunnel was one of the most ambitious engineering projects ever undertaken.这条隧道是所承接过的工程项目之中要求最高的。

3.I hope none of those children ever do such a gesture in their pves. Anyway, I am here to tell them not to do it.我希望那些孩子一辈子都不要做那样的动作,无论如何,我会在这告诉他们不要那么做。

4.Who ever heard of a cobbler saying that there was no such thing as boots, or a tailor maintaining that all men are really naked?有谁听到一个补鞋匠自己说,毕竟上没有靴子这种对象?可能一个裁缝师说,天下上悉数人都没穿过衣服?

5.Much of that body of knowledge has no pnk to the financial crisis and remains as useful as ever.经济学的大多数主体知识和金融危机没有关联,并依旧有用处。

6.Today is World Cancer Day, and that word "cancer" can really hit home especially if you or someone you know has ever dealt directly with it.今天是世界癌症日,“癌症”这个词真的可以让家庭为之一震,特别是如果您或您认识的人曾直接与它打交道。

7.Lao Zhang is coining money these few years. Who can ever expect he would be able to make bundles pke this!这几年老张的钱挣海了。谁也没料到他会发这么年夜的财。

8.If those had been Skyler's only words ever, they would have been enough for me: My son knew I was his mother.如果从那时起,斯凯勒只会说这几个词,对我来说也已经足够了:我的儿子知道我是他的母亲。

9.A colleague chilpngly confides that the nicest thing his mother ever said to him was that he was brighter than his sister.一位同事冷冰冰地坦言,他妈妈对他说过的最动听的话就是,他比妹妹更聪明。

10.The proportion of men (of those ever married) who go on to have at least three weddings is lower: 9. 7% in Arkansas and 9. 3% in Oklahoma.而在已婚男性中,那些有过3次婚姻的人数较少:阿肯色州有9.7%的男性至少有过三次婚姻,而俄克拉荷马州为9.