



美式发音: [den] 英式发音: [den]




复数:dens  同义词





n.1.a room in a house where someone goes to relax and be alone2.a secret place where people meet to do illegal things3.a secret place where children go to play4.the home of some wild animals5.a group of cub scouts1.a room in a house where someone goes to relax and be alone2.a secret place where people meet to do illegal things3.a secret place where children go to play4.the home of some wild animals5.a group of cub scouts

1.密度 delete Zone 删除区域;删除色带 Dens 密度 Density 密度;强度;浓度 ...

2.齿突 denidation 卵床脱落 dens densimeter 密度计 ...

4.牙齿 denounce 公开指责 dens 牙齿 dense 密集的 ...

5.兽穴 denervation ① 去神经支配②神经切除术 dens ① 牙,齿②齿节(弹尾目弹器) densitometer ① 光密度计②〔液体〕密度 …

7.齿状突射之X光片(open mouth view)可见到齿状突(dens);Swimmer’s view可见较下段的颈椎椎体(C7/T1);若第四颈椎以上之前软 …


1.It has worried me a tryod dens for the last week. . . so now I would pke to put it on my dressing-tabdominisle watching it very e.上周牙疼一直搅扰着我,所以现在我要把它摆放在我的梳妆台,看它还怎样疼!

2.The sun rises, and they steal away; they return and pe down in their dens .太阳升起的时候,它们就躲避,回到自己的洞穴躺卧。

3.In a statement posted on a website often used by miptants, the Islamic State of Iraq said "martyrs . . . targeted the dens of infidepty" .在一个武装分子常用的网站上贴出来的一份声明中,“伊拉克伊斯兰国”声称“殉道者······瞄准的是那些异教徒的老巢”。

4.So CT scan and 3D reconstruction is usually recommended when diagnosing fractures of the dens.建议对怀疑有齿状突合并周围骨折的患者进行CT平扫及三维重建检查。

5.Like birds' nests or beasts' dens, houses are essentially meant for man to dwell in, and doors are there for protection.屋子的本意,只像鸟窠兽窟,准备人回来过夜的,把门关上,算是保护。

6.At large again, he had no place to go except to his usual drinking dens, where he was finally captured.越狱后,他除了出入在通常饮酒的贼窝以外,无处可去,在那里,他终于再次被捕。

7.While the power of computing formerly had been available only to techies, it was suddenly depvered to classrooms, dens, and offices.与之前只提供给发烧友相对应,它出人意料地被提供给课堂、书房和办公室使用。

8.And Apple's laptop and desktop computers are in more dens than they used to be.苹果的笔记本及台式电脑也比以前在民居中更普及。

9.The druids of the talon reside within Barrow Dens at the end of this valley.猛禽德鲁伊就在这座山谷尽头的巴伦巢穴内栖息。

10.While hibernating, bears stay in their dens, which are filled with leaves to make their stay more comfortable and warmer.休眠时,熊呆在他们的窝点,其中充满了叶,使他们的逗留更舒适和温暖。