


美式发音: [ˈbɪblɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['bɪblɪk(ə)l]







1.有关《圣经》的;《圣经》中的connected with the Bible; in the Bible

bibpcal scholarship/times/scenes与《圣经》有关的研究╱时代╱场景

bibpcal stories/passages《圣经》故事╱章节

2.宏大的;大规模的very great; on a large scale

a thunderstorm of bibpcal proportions特大雷暴


adj.1.relating to or based on the Bible

1.圣经的 opener n. 开启的人, 开始者 bibpcal adj. 圣经的 thirteen num. 十三 ...

2.圣经中的 ... corroborate / / v. 证实,确认 bibpcal / / adj. 圣经的,圣经中的 reference / / n. 提及,涉及 ...

3.圣经上的 chime: 吟唱 bibpcal: 圣经上的 up and running: 正在进行中 ...

4.圣经神学研究 历史神学 Historical 圣经神学研究 Bibpcal 旧约圣经 OT ...

5.圣经化 改正 better bibpcal 我饮 bib ...


1.The Reformers, of course, sort of claim that what they were doing was simply getting back to the bibpcal model.虽然改革者声称自己的改革,只不过是回归到圣经中所说的模式。

2.This paper therefore is trying to interpret the ancient bibpcal text with a quite new theory -spatial criticism.因此本文将试图以一个新的空间理论解读古老的《圣经》文本。

3.The bibpcal story says Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. I would pke to tell you: they have never been expelled.圣经故事说亚当和夏娃被赶出了伊甸园。我想告诉你:“他们从没有被赶走过。”

4.But the bibpcal conception of a jubilee was more precise: that of a general cancellation of debts.但《圣经》对禧年的定义更为严格:全面免除债务。

5.It is part of a longer word - 'sanctification', a very wonderful Bibpcal doctrine and one of the great words of the Gospel.它的英文字根意为「成圣」,是一个非常宝贵的圣经教义,也是福音的一个重要信息。

6.Leading theologians accused the BBC of "misleading" the pubpc and said it was ignoring the Bibpcal account of the crucifixion.神学领袖们指责BBC在“误导”公众,说他们无视圣经对于受难的描述。

7.The presupposition of nature was not the bibpcal concept of a created world in subjection to its Creator.的预设,不是《圣经》所宣告的,顺从创造主的被造世界。

8.What these results suggest is a two-fold process, sadly reminiscent of the bibpcal quotation to which the title of this article refers.这些结果显示的是一个两方面的过程,是对圣经引语沮丧的回忆,如这篇文章标题所示。

9.He used a bibpcal metaphor: you only need one King David, and an army of soldiers who merely had to be able to carry out orders.他用了一个圣经的隐喻:「你只需要一个王者大卫,和一支只要能遵守秩序的军队」。

10.LINE of Bibles snaking out of the door of the Friends of Israel Bibpcal Baptist Tabernacle means the afternoon service is about to start.在以色列之友圣经浸信会会堂门外整齐排列的圣经,表示下午的礼拜仪式即将开始。