



美式发音: [ˈdentɪst] 英式发音: 






n.1.someone whose job is to examine and treat peoples teeth. You can refer to the place where a dentist works as the dentist or the dentists

1.牙医 Massage Therapists 按摩治疗师 Dentists 牙医 and more! 或更多! ...

2.牙科医生 * 2151 architects 建筑师 * 3113 dentists 牙科医生 * 3131 pharmacists 药剂师 ...

3.牙医师 About 关于 Dentists 牙医师 Services 提供服务 ...

4.牙科医生诊疗所 ... last week 上星期 dentists n.牙科医生诊疗所 put...back... 把...放回去 ...

5.另类牙医 举起手来,不要动 Put up hands 另类牙医 Dentists 速递精子 Express ...

6.牙医中 ... 3113 Dentists 牙医名额已满 3131 Pharmacists 药师名额已满 ...


1.And I've got to think of my youngsters at UCLA -- 30-some attorneys, 11 dentists and doctors, many, many teachers and other professions.讲到这里,我不由自主地想起我在加州大学洛杉矶分校的年青人——30来个律师,11个牙医和医生,很多很多的老师和其他职业。

2.Ao you think I have to? I've been putting it off for weeks. To tell the honest truth, dentists scare me to death.一定要去吗?我都拖了好几个星期了。说实话,我害怕牙医怕得要死。

3.Dentists always ask questions when it is impossible for you to answer. My dentist just pull out one of my teeth.牙医总是在你不可能回答的时候问些问题,我的牙医刚拨了我的一颗牙齿,他告诉我休息一下。

4.The dentists can rest for the moment safe in the knowledge that the dispassionate dullness of their craft remains unchallenged.牙医们大可安枕无忧,知道自己手艺的无趣特点仍未受挑战。

5.They are dentists, as you know.如你所知她的父母是牙医。

6.Moreover, even in states that have raised Medicaid payments, most dentists still do not accept Medicaid patients.此外,即便国家增加了公共医疗补助的投入,大多数牙医仍然不接收使用医疗补助的病人。

7.There were all the normal human anxieties obviously: spiders, dentists, exams.明显地有所有的正常人类的焦虑:辐组,牙科医生,考试。

8.And of course, dentists, accountants, lawyers, doctors, etc. tend to be small businesses.当然,牙医、会计师、律师、医生等等这些行业都有小生意倾向。

9.mari iijima says : my parents are both dentists . but they ' ve always been music lovers , sf course , they influenced me while growing up.饭岛:我的父母都是牙科医生,但他们喜爱音乐。当然。在我的成长过程中,他们给我很大影响。

10.But dentists say a baby's gums and early teeth should be cleaned after each feeding. Use a cloth with a pttle warm water.但牙医指出,每次喂奶后,婴儿的牙龈和乳牙都应该用醮点温水的布清洁干净。