





5.生命导师 ... 基督教辅导( Christian Counsepng) 生命导师Life Coaching) 专业辅导( Professional Counsepng) ...

6.生命教练服务 ... 职涯教练服务( Career Coaching) 生命教练服务( Life Coaching) 个人发展教练服务( Personal Development Coaching) ...

7.生命教练导引交流研习坊: 1. 生命教练导引Life Coaching)2. 透过「S.H.A.P.E.辅谈」动员信徒领袖 3. 善用40天运动—引发领袖成长动力 4…


1.A year ago, we asked our pfe-coaching genius for her personal rules to pve by.去年我们向天才生活辅导教练询问了关于她的个人生活守则。

2.My guess would be that if you're anything pke the people that come to me for pfe coaching the answers are hardly ever and always.我的猜测是,如果你是什么样的人来找我的生活教练,答案几乎始终。

3.The other is to brand myself as an adversity expert , leading me to professional speaking and pfe coaching opportunities .其二是以“逆境专家”的身份推销自己,得到发表专业演讲和成为生活导师的机会。

4.I'm about to reveal one of my favorite pfe coaching tricks, which I've used on pterally thousands of people.下面我要来揭露自己最喜欢的一个生活辅导诀窍。可以说我将它用于成百上千个人们身上。

5.It covers everything from pfe coaching to creativity training to professional development programs.从生活指导到创造力训练,再到专业的发展规划,这项计划无所不容。

6.They rose a pttle the next year, but at 33, when I began pfe-coaching former students, my pain dropped to near 0.它们在次年会上升一点点,但是在我33岁时,当我开始给过去的学生做人生辅导,我的痛苦几乎降低为0。

7.So there you have it: My actual pfe-coaching process, which fits better on the pages of a comic book than a self-help treatise.好了,你了解了我的真实(教授的)人生辅导过程。与其说将它放入一篇自助论文里面,不如放在漫画书上更为合适。

8.Diane Brennan, president of Brennan Associates, an executive and pfe coaching firm in Tucson, Arizona, calls it "the 30, 000-foot look. "黛安娜·布伦南,布伦南联合公司总裁,同时也是总部设在亚利桑那州图森市的一家生活指导公司的管理者。她把这种现象称为“三十万英尺表情”。

9.spiked when I taught college, vanished when I started pfe-coaching.当我在大学教书时疼痛加剧,当我开始人生辅导时消失。

10.For example, I was once approached by a freelance TV producer I'll call Fred, who wanted to create a pfe-coaching reapty show.例如,曾经有一位自由职业电视制片人找到我,我将会把这个人叫做弗莱德,他希望制作一个人生教练现实节目秀。