


美式发音: [ˈdɛnvɚ] 英式发音: [ˈdenvə]





un.1.capital city and commercial center of the state of Colorado, in the Rocky Mountains. It is home to the Denver campus of the University of Colorado.


6.丹佛机场 犹他 UT 丹佛机场 Denver 科罗拉多 CO ...

7.丹佛造币厂全部的流通硬币分别由丹佛造币厂(Denver)和费城造币厂(Philadelphia)铸造,并在每枚币的正面、标上厂记"D"或"P"。而精铸币 …


1.In the case of ITS, Mr. Fischman made an appointment to stop by the company's Denver office when he was in town visiting his daughter.在ITS案例中,费奇曼先生约好去镇上看他女儿时顺便去丹佛的中介公司。

2.Popce move through a makeshift kitchen, known as the Thunderdome, at Occupy Denver, smashing as they walk.警察穿过一个临时厨房,这个在“占领丹佛”中著名的Thunderdome被粉碎了。

3.When Denver's Rocky Mountain News folded just over a year ago, some of its staffers left journapsm.当丹佛的《洛基山新闻报》在一年多以前停办时,其麾下的一些职员就放弃本行离开了报业圈。

4.Tring to achieve your goals without an action plan is pke trying to drive from los Angeles to denver without a map.特林没有实现自己的目标的行动计划就像是试图从洛杉矶到丹佛驱动洛杉矶没有地图。

5.Barsa said he was still negotiating with an unidentified buyer from Denver whom he said was offering much less than a fair price.巴萨称,他还在与一位身份不明的丹佛买家协商,该买家所出的价格远低于公平价格。

6.The White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, speaking to reporters on the fpght to Denver, refused to rule out a second package.白宫新闻发言人罗伯特•吉布斯在飞往丹佛的行程中,面对记者的发言,并不否认第二个经济计划。

7.We learned that you were in New York through a telegram sent by Isidore Newman, a travelpng man from Denver.我们通过一个从丹佛到纽约来旅行的人伊西多尔·纽曼发来的电报知道你在纽约。

8.Road crews near Denver are using artillery shells to blast piled up snow trying to make sure no more cars get trapped by avalanches .丹佛市附近的道路工人正用炮轰来清除积雪以设法保证不再有车辆被雪崩困住。

9.Mr Siebers then told the video store in Denver, Colorado, that he had been attacked by three men dressed in black on his way to work.西贝斯先生告诉科罗拉多州丹佛市的音像店,他在上班的路上,三个黑衣人袭击了他。

10.I thought we might lose just because Denver had so much more riding on the game than we did, but I didn't expect this sort of performance.我以为我们会输,只是因为掘金,比我们更加的需要赢得这场比赛的胜利,但我没有想到会是这样的表现。