

cable car

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复数:cable cars  



1.(悬空的)缆车,索车a vehicle that hangs from and is pulled by a moving cable and that carries passengers up and down a mountain

2.有轨缆车a vehicle that runs on tracks and is pulled by a moving cable


n.1.a small vehicle that hangs from a cable, used for taking people up and down mountains

1.缆车 光泽 gloss 缆车 cable-car 吊车 crane ...

2.汽车电缆 ... 4.Automotive-wire( 汽车电线) 5.Cable-car汽车电缆) 6.Cold-resistant-wire-and-cable( 耐寒电线 …

3.公园缆车 Tram - 缆车 Cable-Car - 公园缆车 Private Car - 私家车 ...


1.Well, most visitors to San Francisco ride in cable cars. A cable car goes on tracks, and a strong cable pulls it up the hills.好的,很多来三藩市的游客要坐缆车。缆车是沿轨道行走,利用和坚固的电缆把车拖上山坡

2.He reckoned he would have enough time to get to the top then retrace his steps and be back in time to catch the last cable car of the day.他估计有足够的时间爬到山顶,然后原路返回,搭乘最后一班缆车。

3.But a Labour member of the London Assembly, John Biggs, argued the cable car was "no substitute" for a bridge across the Thames.但伦敦议会的工党成员约翰比格斯强调,缆车的作用是不可能替代横跨泰晤士河的桥所起的作用的。

4.The cable car brought us in just a few minutes up to a height of about 2000 meters.缆车仅仅用了几分钟的时间就把我们送到了海拔2000多米高的高山上。

5.Tourists who want to walk across the 400-foot long structure must ride up to it in a cable car.游客需乘坐缆车到达大桥,才有幸漫步在这长400英尺的天空之桥。

6.The cable car was really fast, and every time we passed a junction, the car would jolt a bit, and my heart would also jump with it.缆车非常快,每到一个连接处,缆车动一下,我的心就咚的跳一下。

7.A cable-car rides the arch up to a skydeck where visitors can view the games from above or take in sights of the city and the nearby ocean.电缆车可以沿着拱形通道开上天台,游客在那里可以从上方看比赛,或观看城市及附近大海的风景。

8.Some people only stayed in one of the restaurants near the cable car station, but we wanted also to do some physical activity.有些人只想待在缆车站附近的一家餐馆里,而我们小俩口则想做些体能运动。

9.Xia zhi xing: how i moved to hear what you said. Let's go to the cable car in the amusement park. Do not waste our time with them.夏之星:我听了真的好感动。我们赶快去游乐场坐缆车,别跟他们瞎耗。

10.The play was over, the music stopped, the crowd flowed outside. It was pke a dream ended. Missus Sommers went to wait for the cable car.演出结束了,音乐停了下来,人流向外涌去,就像惊醒于一场梦中。莎默尔斯太太走去等出租车。