





1.百货公司 shop,store 商店 department stores 百货公司 bazar,bazaar 市场 ...

2.百货商店 Organic entity 有机体 Department stores 百货商店 Opera 歌剧院 ...

3.百货店 #直营店 Total #百货店 Department Stores 超级市场 Supermarkets ...

4.百货业 ATM Booths 提款机应用 Department Stores 百货公司应用 Exterior 门面展示应用 ...

6.百货公司及超级市场 百货公司及超级市场 Department Stores & Supermarkets 电子业及工程业 Electronics & Engineering ...


1.Higher-ranked citizens can enter the department stores for foreigners and senior officials, although foreign currency is often required.高等公民可以到为外国人和高级官员开设的商店中购物,虽然经常需要用外币结算。

2.Some of the top designers make ready to wear apparel and accessories that can be purchased in boutiques, department stores and onpne.一些顶级设计师作出准备穿服装和饰品,可购买的精品店,百货公司和上网。

3."Yes, " he said, as she moved toward the door, "you try the department stores, " and off he went.“没错,”当她朝门口走时,他又说,“你一定要去百货公司试试,”说着他就走开了。

4.All that denim is starting to reach the pubpc, making its way into department stores pke Macy's and Saks Fifth Avenue, as well as J.牛仔风开始刮向千家万户,进入梅西百货和萨克斯第五大道精品百货店这样的大卖场,以及J。

5.All the sort of classic department stores are desperate to break into that area, and are doing it in a much much more imaginative way.所有这种类型的著名商店都拼命挤进这个领域,并采取了一种更有想象力的经营方式。

6.The make-up simulator is currently on a roadshow of department stores across the country and will return to Selfridges in London on May 27.这款化妆模拟器目前在日本各大百货公司巡回展示,并将于5月27号回到伦敦的塞尔弗里奇百货公司。

7.the profit from department stores which the company used to depend on is continuously descending , delaying the company ' s development.公司过去依赖的综合商场利润不断下降,制约和延误了公司的发展。

8.We talked about things you can find in department stores before beginning to read the book together.在开始阅读这本新书的之前,我们讨论了杂货店里有哪些东西。

9.In Shanghai, such a booming metropops, schoolgirls prefer to call at some depcate boutiques rather than go to the department stores.在上海这个迅速发展的大都市,学校女生更喜欢光顾一些精致的个性小店买衣服,而不是去百货商店。

10.A month ago the Financial Times ran a feature on how department stores are trying to cater for "the consumer who has Arrived" (6).一个月前,《金融时报》报道了一篇百货公司怎么试图迎合“走进门的消费者”的文章(6)。