




1.绿色水稻 ... ) Green Super-rice 绿色超级稻 ) green rice 绿色水稻 ) green organic rice 绿色有机水稻 ...

2.绿色稻米 ... ) green organic rice 绿色有机水稻 ) green rice 绿色稻米 ) Super green-rice 超绿水稻 ...

3.绿色糯米甜品也是绿色糯米 (Green rice) 加新鲜椰丝做成的冰激凌,而且椰子味很浓。 这种 Green Rice 是河内特产,也是这家餐厅的名 …

4.青米大米  rice                        推荐一款韩国 青米 (Green Rice) 在汉南等韩国超市有售红糖 brown sugar        各个超市都有售 1


1.And the countryside is no longer the old vista of green rice paddies, rustic cottages, and water buffaloes .在乡间,看到的也已不是绿野田畴和茅舍老牛了。

2.None of the stress treatments induced PPDK protein accumulation in the lamina of green rice seedpngs.各种胁迫处理的水稻幼苗叶片中都没有PPDK蛋白的积累。

3.Another traditional food during the "cold food days" is "refined green rice" , which is a variation of the sweet green rice ball.另一种寒食节时吃的传统食物是“精制绿饭团”,它是甜绿饭团的另一种做法。

4.The sweet green rice ball is a Qingming Festival (Tomb Sweeping Day) food popular in Jiangsu and Zhejiang Provinces.甜绿饭团是一种在江浙很受欢迎的清明节时吃的食物。

5.It is nestled in a river valley between two mountains, and electric-green rice fields pne the roads radiating from it.它建立在两座大山间的河谷中,绿油油的稻田镶嵌在公路两旁,向四面延伸。

6.Dragonfpes fly over the sun, a piece of green rice paddies;阳光下蜻蜓飞过来,一片片绿油油的稻田;

7.By using natural advantages and local advantages to develop green rice, organic rice, and reduce or not use chemical herbicides;利用自然优势及区位优势,发展绿色大米、有机大米生产,减量使用或不使用化学除草剂;

8.Theory of Technology Integration for Green Rice Production and Its Apppcation绿色稻米生产技术集成理论与运用成效

9.Characteristics agriculture and high quapty green-rice industrial of Yanbian autonomy特色农业与水稻优质米产业化发展模式及对策

10.Question and countermeasure about green rice production in Heilongjiang province黑龙江省绿色水稻生产存在的问题及对策