


美式发音: [ˌdipəˈzɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.depə'zɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:depositions  同义词




1.[u][c]沉积(物);沉淀(物);淤积(物)the natural process of leaving a layer of a substance on rocks or soil; a substance left in this way

marine/river deposition海洋╱河流沉积物

2.[u][c]罢免;废黜the act of removing sb, especially a ruler, from power

the deposition of the King废黜国王

3.[c]书面证词a formal statement, taken from sb and used in court


n.1.a formal written statement by a witness that is read out in a court because the witness cannot be present at the court2.a process in which layers of a substance form gradually over a period of time

1.沉积 demography 统计 deposition 沉积 derivative with respect to 对…的导数 ...

2.免职 disposed 情愿的) deposition n 免职;沉淀(见 exposition n 展览;解释(见 ...

3.沉积作用 depositary 保管人 deposition 沉积作用 depositor 存款人 ...

4.沉淀 disposed 情愿的) deposition n 免职;沉淀(见 exposition n 展览;解释(见 ...

5.沉积物 trunk 树干 deposition 沉积物 account 描写 ...

6.口供 deposit n. 押金;寄存物 deposition n. 免职,罢免;口供 depression n. 消沉;不景气萧 …

7.证言 证物〖 witness〗 证言deposition;oraltestimony〗 证验〖 verify〗 ...

8.沈积钢板的主要功 能是帮助锡膏的沈积 (deposition) 。 目的是将准确数量的材料转移到光板 (bare PCB) 上准确的位置。


1.Catharina's deposition tells us: "During the ruinous and protracted war (with France) he was unable to sell any of his art. "凯瑟琳娜的证词告诉我们,“在同法国的毁灭性的旷日持久的战争中,他一件作品也没有卖出去”。

2.He added 'there was no chance' one of his workers would have done so 'because I would fire them instantly, ' according to the deposition.他补充说,他手下的工人不可能这么做,因为他会立刻解雇他们。

3.Meanwhile, Dabie orogenic belt might have not provided material for the Mesozoic deposition of the south of Huabei Landmass.同时,在中生代,大别山造山带的物源没有影响到华北陆块南部沉积。

4.Results : The total 38 cases had not produced subcutaneous tissue necrosis or calcareous deposition .结果:38例早产儿静脉补钙均未发生皮下组织的坏死与钙化灶。

5.The question of carbon balls in anode nozzle was one of the most serious problems during the deposition.实验发现,等离子体炬阳极喷嘴积碳是沉积过程中最突出的问题之一。

6.In a 207-page deposition transcript from testimony given on April 8, Mr. Elpson said he never asked anyone to cut the trees.在一份根据4月8日的证词记录下来的长达207页的口供书中,埃里森说,他从未让任何人去砍这些树。

7.Increase in temperature increases the rate of deposition and hence the heat loss to the surroundings should be prevented.温度升高,沉积速度加快,因此,应当避免热量散失到周围环境中。

8.She also did not want to acknowledge that she had admitted, in an earper deposition, to have had the key to the church.她也不想承认在一项较早的证词里她供认已经把那把钥匙给了教堂。

9.The results showed that the calcium soap was one of the important reasons that caused the pitch deposition.研究结果表明,钙皂的存在是造成树脂沉积的重要原因。

10.In a written deposition to the court, army chief Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani said he backed a full inquiry.巴基斯坦陆军总司令卡亚尼(AshfaqParvezKayani)在写给法院的一份宣誓证词中说,他支持进行全面调查。