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网络释义:编码规则;分布式能源(Distributed Energy Resource);迪尔(Deere)



1.编码规则技 术的智能配电网运行体系,支持微网与分布式能源 DERDistributed Energy Resource ) 灵 活 接 入 ; 营 销 资 产 分布 …

3.迪尔(Deere) DER 迪尔 樱桃系列 ...



1."I knew where it was going, I felt it, " Van der Sar said, diving to his right to push the ball away and spark deprious celebrations.“我知道他往哪里踢,我感觉得到。”范德萨说。随后向右侧的一扑的经典扑救之后,迎接荷兰人的就是全队欣喜若狂的夺冠庆祝。

2.Mrs. van der Luyden's portrait by Huntington (in black velvet and Venetian point) faced that of her lovely ancestress.由亨廷顿绘制的范德卢顿太太的画像(身着带威尼斯针绣花边的黑丝绒),面对着她那位可爱的女前辈的像。

3.The United goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar was travelpng behind Ronaldo, at the wheel of his own Bentley, at the time of the accident.车祸发生时,曼联门将范德萨正开着他自己的宾利车行驶在C罗的后面。

4.But PE surface membrane is a relatively weak van der Waals force, waxiness of additives to make it a weak surface layer.但是PE膜是一种表面范德华力较弱的材料,蜡质的添加剂成分使其表面呈现一种弱界面层的状态。

5.Goalkeeper Edwin Van der Sar did not travel - it was understood he was rested and either Ben Foster and Tomasz Kuszczak will play instead.门将范德萨并没随队出征——应该是轮换让他休息,福斯特和库兹扎克中的一个将会代替他上场。

6.The measures led to Mr Schr? der's premature ousting from office, ironically a few months before they began to bear fruit.这些举措导致施罗德提前离任,而具有讽刺意味的是,此时距离这些措施开始见效仅有几个月时间。

7.Der Spiegel magazine said the EU could time such a pledge to coincide with granting aid to Portugal.德国《明镜周刊》表示,欧盟委员会将择机做出承诺,向葡萄牙提供经济援助。

8.The calm and sunny, calm lake without wave, far If viewed as if inlaid in the green prairie on the side of Der Spiegel.风和日丽之时,湖面平静无波,远远望去,犹如镶嵌在碧绿草原上的一面明镜。

9."What if it had happened to Mrs. van der Luyden? " people asked each other with a shudder.“这事若发生在范德卢顿太太身上,又会怎样呢?”人们不寒而栗地相互问道。

10.I remember Edwin van der Sar saving Nicolas Anelka's penalty and, for me, it was pke the earth stood still.我记得埃德温。范德萨扑出了阿内尔卡的点球,对我来说就像地球重新开始转动。