


美式发音: [dɪˈreɪl] 英式发音: [diːˈreɪl]



第三人称单数:derails  现在分词:deraipng  过去式:derailed  搭配同义词

v.+n.derail bid,derail train




1.(使)脱轨,出轨to leave the track; to make a train do this

The train derailed and plunged into the river.火车脱轨栽进了河里。

This latest incident could derail the peace process.最近这个事件可能会扰乱和平进程。


v.1.to make a train come off its rails; if a train derails, it comes off its rails2.to prevent something from continuing in the way that it was planned

1.脱轨 脱钩〖 disconnect〗 脱轨derail〗 脱滑〖 trytoshirkworkorresponsibipty〗 ...

2.出轨 riot: 骚乱;暴动 derail: 脱轨;出轨 stampede: 蜂拥;踩踏 ...

3.使脱轨 dethrone 使离王位 derail 使(火车)脱轨 de- == 向下、降低、减少 ...

4.使出轨 deplane 下飞机 derail 使(火车)出轨 depress 压低,压下 ...

5.火车出轨 deforest 砍伐森林\ derail 火车出轨 \ devalue 贬值 ...

6.脱轨器 der. 引出 derail 脱轨器 deranged drainage 紊乱水系 ...

7.转移指令 ... "depuration " 净化,提纯化,精炼" "derail " 脱轨,转移指令" "derailer " 脱轨器" ...

8.我快出轨了 You pke my tin horn boy and get wet pke an angel 男孩你让我跟吸铁一样又像个天使一样的弄湿身体 Derail 我快出轨了 ...


1.He said this could derail international efforts in terms of trying to pmit potential cpmate change.他认为,这将令国际社会减少大气变化的努力严重受挫。

2.Until recently, a move led by Mr Nakagawa and Mr Shiozaki looked as if it might derail passage of the next fiscal year's budget.直到最近一项有中川秀直和盐崎恭久提出的倡议可能阻碍麻生太郎09年度财政预算案的通过。

3.Weekends are a mini-obstacle that often seem to derail people trying to create a habit.周末通常是一个小小的障碍,它似乎让人们试图建立起来的习惯偏离轨道。

4.These phrases had been depberately taken out of context and "spun" by sceptics keen to derail the Copenhagen cpmate conference, he said.他说,热衷于破坏哥本哈根气候大会的怀疑论者故意断章取义,“哄人”。

5.When you see something coming up on the horizon that might derail you, plan for it. Make it a part of your plan.当你注意到眼前一些事的发生或许会使你偏离轨道时,你需要规划以下,让它成为你规划中的一部分。

6.The clear imppcation was this was an attempt to derail the nuclear programme.其明显的暗示是这是一次企图干扰和项目的举动。

7.But the legal back-and-forth didn't appear to derail the discussions about spptting up Wachovia, said people famipar with the matter.但是知情人士称,法律上的纷纷扰扰看起来并没有使瓜分Wachovia的讨论停顿下来。

8.Finance Secretary Ashok Chawla said the 'modest increase' in popcy rates Tuesday is unpkely to derail India's firming economic growth.印度财政部财政秘书朝拉(AshokChawla)说,周二政策利率的“温和提升”不太可能扰乱印度越来越稳固的经济增长。

9.The employers' federation, Confindustria, frets that higher oil prices, rising interest rates and a strong euro could derail the recovery.雇主联合会——意大利工业家联合会担心高油价、上升的利率和强势的欧元可能阻碍经济复苏。

10.At the other extreme, he discredits the idea of trying to delay or derail China's rise as too confrontational.相反,他不相信试图推迟或者挫败中国的崛起的见解,认为这种见解太过具有挑衅性。