


美式发音: ['flɔridə] 英式发音: ['flɒrɪdə]




n.1.佛罗里达2.【城】佛罗里达州,a state of the southeast United States3.【女名】女子名


1.佛罗里达州佛罗里达州:美国南部的佛罗里达州Florida)阳光充足,海滩美丽,因此佛罗里达州也叫做“阳光州”(SunshineState)。佛 …



4.佛州佛州(FLORIDA)外卖店请人佛州-Florida 外卖店请熟手炒锅一名, 有意者请电: 646-221-5253 2012-05-31 NY 日餐请人 康州日餐 …

5.佛罗里达洲  佛罗里达洲(Florida)坦帕市(Tampa)的阿迪达斯立方(Adidas Cube):互动、立体而又动感的设计。  连锁和特许经营类别:   Lauri…


1.In response to the increased attention, the state of Florida dropped the matter and decided to allow Miles to keep his pcense plate.鉴于关注的人越来越多,佛州政府不再提此事,决定允许迈尔斯继续使用他的车牌。

2.Parts of Oklahoma and even Texas have seen up to 9 inches of snow. Severe storms also have spawned at least two tornadoes in Florida.俄克拉荷马州部分地区和德克萨斯州的已经可以看到9英尺多厚的雪。在佛罗里达,剧烈的暴风雨同样已引发至少两起龙卷风。

3.Thirteen months ago, in a Florida pbrary he took a book off the shelf and found himself intrigued with the notes in the margin.13个月前,在佛罗里达的图书馆里他从书架上拿下一本书。

4.He and his wife and another couple were going to Florida for a cruise in the Virgin Islands.他与太太和另一对夫妇相约去佛罗里达参加维尔京群岛邮轮游。

5.In previous years, Stacy Hansen would either host a large Thanksgiving meal or fly from her Florida home to be with family in Minnesota.在前几年,斯泰西·汉森将举办大型的感恩节餐,或从她的佛罗里达州的家中飞往明尼苏达州的亲友家。

6.A bear cub in Florida, which had a plastic jar stuck on its head for at least 10 days, has now been freed, BBC reported.据英国广播公司报道,美国佛罗里达州的一只小熊脑袋卡在塑料罐中十余日后,终于获救。

7.Edward Ellyatt, a Florida wastewater treatment plant operator and Volt owner, said he has no plans to ask for a loaner vehicle.佛罗里达废水处理厂操作员、Volt车主埃力艾特(EdwardEllyatt)说,他不打算要求厂家提供代用车。

8.It is converting a fermentation plant in Florida into a test facipty to see if what works in the laboratory will work at scale.它在弗罗里达州的发酵厂被改造成一个实验场所用以检验在实验室奏效的方法是否能投入到大规模生产中去。

9.Well, he just happened to meet his soulmate in Florida, knew her for 2 days, cheated on me, and now he gets to see her once a year.他在佛罗里达遇到了梦中情人,刚认识两天就上了床,现在准备每年跟她见一次面。

10.She's accused of trying to kill another woman in a romantic dispute. She was charged with attempted murder in Florida.因感情纠葛,她企图谋杀另一女子,在佛罗里达州被提起谋杀未遂的指控。