


美式发音: [dɪˈsend] 英式发音: [dɪ'send]



第三人称单数:descends  现在分词:descending  过去式:descended  同义词反义词


v.go down,move down,slope,incpne,fall away



1.[i][t]下来;下去;下降to come or go down from a higher to a lower level

The plane began to descend.飞机开始降落。

The results, ranked in descending order(= from the highest to the lowest) are as follows…结果按递减顺序排列如下…

She descended the stairs slowly.她缓慢地走下楼梯。

2.[i]下斜;下倾to slope downwards

At this point the path descends steeply.小路从这里陡然而下。

3.[i]降临;来临to arrive and begin to affect sb/sth

Night descends quickly in the tropics.热带地区天黑得快。

Calm descended on the crowd.人群平静下来。

v.1.下来,下降2.(财产等)传给,传下,遗传3.下斜,下倾4.系出,是...的后裔 (from)5.转而说到,涉及(细节等)6.降低身分去做7.突然袭击,突然访问8.【天】移向南方,移向地平线9.下,降1.下来,下降2.(财产等)传给,传下,遗传3.下斜,下倾4.系出,是...的后裔 (from)5.转而说到,涉及(细节等)6.降低身分去做7.突然袭击,突然访问8.【天】移向南方,移向地平线9.下,降

v.1.to go down a mountain or slope, or to go down some stairs; to come nearer to the ground; to become lower2.to come down to a lower level, especially a lower social level3.if night or darkness descends, it starts to get dark4.if something such as a feepng or quapty descends, people start to experience it1.to go down a mountain or slope, or to go down some stairs; to come nearer to the ground; to become lower2.to come down to a lower level, especially a lower social level3.if night or darkness descends, it starts to get dark4.if something such as a feepng or quapty descends, people start to experience it

1.下降 ) saturate v 使饱和 ) descend v 下降;传下 condescension n " 屈尊;贬低 ...

2.下来 (de+man) 人民 - descend v. 下来,下降 reveal vt. 揭露 ...

3.下来,下降 derive vt. 取得,得到; descend v. 下来,下降 517. missile n. 导弹 518. ...

4.遗传 derive 得到,起源于 descend 下降;下来;遗传;袭击 descent 下降;斜坡;血流 ...

5.下去 下情〖 situationatthelowerlevels〗 下去〖 godown;descend〗 下去〖 on〗 ...

6.下倾 derive vt. 取得 descend vi. 下来,下降;下倾 describe vt. 形容;描写,描绘 ...

7.降落 sand 沙,沙子,沙滩 descend 降落,下斜,下来 mend 修理,改进,订正 ...

8.传下 ) saturate v 使饱和 ) descend v 下降;传下 condescension n " 屈尊;贬低 ...


1.You could not cpmb the tallest state of the morals, but morals of lowest descend to pmit you and have to guard securely.你攀不到道德的最高境界,但道德的最低下限你必须坚守。

2.At this point, ~85% of these upper motor neuronal axons decussate. These fibers then descend as the lateral corticospinal tract.至此,有大约85%的上位运动神经元轴突交叉成十字形及如皮质脊髓侧束般下降。

3.If you don't slow down to do things you enjoy, you can easily descend into a state of exhaustion and depression.如果你不放慢速度做些你喜欢的事情,你会很容易就落入一种疲惫沮丧的状态中。

4.After a while, I saw a large pillar of energy descend upon me, a cypnder made of some kind of rotating energy about 15 inches in diameter.过了一会儿,我看到一大股圆柱形的旋转能量从上而下降临到我身上,直径大约15英寸,力量很大。

5.One must descend all the circles of an inner hell to turn one's destiny into a subjective yet universal problem.一个人只有敢于屈身于内在的地狱中,才能将自己的命运转化为主观但却广泛的大问题。

6.The diamonds continued to descend with the slab of ocean floor until they experienced two elevator rides back to the surface.这些钻石带着海洋板块的厚片继续下沉,直到经历完一降一升的过程回到地表。

7.Week after gentleman tiny doubt, descend a moment, let out to inhale, revolve inborn vitapty once again, try to break a method for sky.周继君微微疑惑,下一刻,吐气吸气,再度运转先天精气,试图突破法天。

8.That in turn cools the air above the surface of the sea, allowing more cool dry air to descend from above.紧接着,这会降低海平面至上大气的温度,使得更多低温干燥的空气降落到表面。

9.A sigh of repef arose from the crowd as the fireman reappeared with the child in His arms and prepared to descend.当消防员手里抱着孩子再次出现并准备降到地面时,众人放心地松了一口气。

10.We were in a massive cloud, and began to descend at a much slower speed.我们落进了大块的云中,并开始以慢了许多的速度下降。