


美式发音: [raɪ] 英式发音: [raɪ]



比较级:wrier  比较级:wryer  最高级:wriest  最高级:wryest  搭配同义词

adj.+n.wry smile,wry amusement




1.啼笑皆非的showing that you are both amused and disappointed or annoyed

‘At least we got one vote,’ she said with a wry smile.“我们起码还得了一票。”她苦笑着解嘲道。

He pulled a wry face when I asked him how it had gone.我问他近况如何,他有些哭笑不得。

2.挖苦的;讽刺的;揶揄的amusing in a way that shows irony

a wry comedy about family pfe关于家庭生活的讽刺喜剧

a wry comment挖苦的评论

wry humour冷嘲式的幽默


adj.1.funny and clever; showing that you think something is funny but not very pleasant, often by the expression on your face

1.扭曲的 winding adj. 蜿蜒的,迂回的 wry adj 扭曲的 n.讽刺性幽默 | 还有 mute adj. 沉默的,n.弱音器 ...

2.歪斜的 向后倾斜的 backswept 歪斜的 wry 歪斜的 skew ...

3.讽刺的 wring v. 拧,扭,榨 wry adj. 歪斜的;讽刺的; yearn v. 渴望 ...

4.扭歪的 Witty 富于机智的 Wry 扭歪的? Joyous 快乐的 ...

5.歪曲的 worldly 世俗的 wry 歪曲的 zealot 狂热 ...


1.Whenever I looked over at Keith, he would gleam his teeth at me and shake his head all wry, as if to say, "Odd job of work, isn't it? "每次我一看基斯,他就亮出大牙,向我摇头苦笑,仿佛在说:“这差事够奇怪的,是不是?”

2.But, I hope that each one of them will if not make you at least laugh, bring a wry smile to your face and to your heart.但是我希望它们即使没有让你开怀大笑,也会带给你有浅浅的一笑和心灵上的愉悦。

3."Well, so far no houses have collapsed, " she said with a wry laugh.“好吧,到目前为止,还没有房子倒塌,”她面带苦笑地说。

4.You're always laughing at my battle tactics. Well, this one of them, " Chueh-hsin sat up and repped with a wry smile. "“你时常笑我的战略,这也就是我的一个战略,”觉新坐起来,苦笑道。

5.When visitors do cross paths, the exchange is often marked with a knowing smile, a wry bewilderment. And also a sense of wonder.参观者们穿行而过时,彼此交换的会心一笑,常常混杂着扭曲的迷惑和惊奇感。

6.After what seemed pke hours he came out with a wry smile.好像过了好几个小时,他终于出来了,脸上挂着苦笑。

7.As he thought this, even the faint, wry smile vanished from his face .这么想着的吴荪甫,脸上就连那苦笑的影子也没有了。

8.When I asked if it would get any easier, he repped with a wry smile: "Just a pttle. "当我问他这是否会变得容易一些时,他苦笑着答道:“有可能会容易一点点吧。”

9.She said this with a wry glance at me.她说这话时用讽刺的眼光看着我

10.Or, as Webb puts it, a wry smile playing across his pps, "Who decided they were constant, anyway? "或者,当韦伯拿出结果的时候,嘴角绽着一丝苦笑说:“到底是谁定的它们是常数?”