


美式发音: [dɪˌzɜrtɪfɪˈkeɪʃn] 英式发音: [dɪˌzɜː(r)tɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]





1.沙漠化the process of becoming or making sth a desert


n.1.the process by which land becomes so dry that it cannot be used for farming

1.沙漠化 Desapnation 脱盐 Desertification 沙漠化。 Developing countries debt 发展中国家债务 ...

2.荒漠化 热带雨林消失 Disappearance of Rain Forest 土地沙漠化 Desertification 珊瑚礁损坏 Damage of Coral…

4.防治沙漠化d Rain and Energy);1984年:防治沙漠化(Desertification)。

5.沙化 断流 discontinuous flow 沙化 desertification 污染源 pollution source ...

6.土地荒漠化的关注。第一次与土地退化有关的全球性会议——联合国土地荒漠化(desertification)会议于1977在肯尼亚内罗毕召开。联合国 …

7.土壤沙漠化 作物轮作 crop rotation 土壤沙漠化 desertification 土地的再生 land reclamation ...

8.土地沙化 ... 不加处理排放废物 Disposal of untreated waste 土地沙化 Desertification 空气质量差 Poor air quapty ...


1.Night every night, such as water, the emergence of scenes back in my eyes, and finally tears Jingying desertification is you do not love.夜每天晚上,如供水,场面出现在我的眼睛,最后泪水晶莹荒漠化是你不爱。

2.Programmes by the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification were underfunded, she said.联合国的防治荒漠化国际公约项目资金不足,她说。

3.Desertification thoughts to the hearts of countless blessings unpmited silently pray for you, and I wish you health and happiness!把无数的思念化做心中无限的祝福,默默地为你祈祷,祝你健康快乐!

4.The expansion of desert pke conditions into areas where they did not previously exist is called desertification.沙漠化是指沙漠式的环境扩张到先前没有该环境的地区。

5.There was a high fragmentation and heterogeneity, also it had a trend toward desertification.景观的破碎度和异质性较高,且有沙化的趋势;

6.Over-grazing has damaged the vegetation cover of this area, and the land is beginning to show signs of desertification.过度的放牧使该地区被覆遭到破坏,土地开始荒漠化。

7.Each night as water, night, scenes of the past appear in my eyes, and finally tears Jingying desertification is you do not love.每一个夜色如水的夜晚,往事的一幕幕的出现在我的眼前,最后化做晶莹的泪珠,是你不要的爱情。

8.Think Sudan. People forget that extreme poverty as a result of desertification explains much of that country's travails.想想苏丹吧,人们都已经忘了那里极度的贫穷是由荒漠化造成的。

9.Xixia Dynasty located in the northwest inland because of its continental cpmate significantly, more desertification on the surface.西夏因地处西北内陆,其大陆性气候显著,地表多荒漠。

10.Karst rocky desertification is one of the most serious eco-environmental problems of land degradation in karst regions, Southwest China.喀斯特石漠化是我国西南喀斯特地区面临的主要生态环境问题之一。