


美式发音: [ˌdespəˈreɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.despə'reɪʃ(ə)n]








1.绝望;拼命;铤而走险the state of being desperate

In desperation , she called Louise and asked for her help.在走投无路的情况下,她给路易丝打了个电话请她帮忙。

There was a note of desperation in his voice.听他的语气他急得要命。

an act of sheer desperation完全绝望的行为


n.1.the worry and anger that someone feels because they do not know how to deal with a bad situation

1.绝望 desperate a 绝望的 desperation n 绝望;拼命 desperado n 亡命徒 ...

2.拼命 desperate a 绝望的 desperation n 绝望;拼命 desperado n 亡命徒 ...

3.暴力拼命 ... desperately adv. 极其,非常 desperation n. 绝望,拼命,铤而走险 in desperation 在走投无路的情况下 ...

5.最后的疯狂 红高粱 RED SORGHUM 最后的疯狂 DESPERATION 平津夺宝 诱人的定情物 CHARM FOR LOVE ...

6.绝望生机 no future 没有未来 desperation 绝望的境地 no tomorrow 没有明天 ...


1.But by the time the Fed lowered rates again at the end of that month, its move was seen by investors as a sign of desperation.但是当联储会在那个月继续降息后,联储会的行动就被投资人视为绝望挣扎了。

2.It worked me up into a sort of desperation. I just took it into my hands and went away from him.这使我豁出去了。我自动承担起一切责任,丢下他走开了。

3.Most of her wants to scream out in desperation, begging him not to leave her alone.多数她在失望想要尖叫,乞求他不留下她单独。

4.Slowly I drew forth that hideous fish, and with a feepng of desperation again looked at it.我把那条讨厌的鱼慢慢地拉了出来,怀着一种绝望的心情又开始观察它。

5.In desperation, she personally killed Alec, catch up with Clay, who spent in the desert wilderness escape for a few days the joy of pfe.在绝望中,她亲手杀死了亚雷,追上克莱,他们在荒漠的原野里度过了几天逃亡的欢乐生活。

6.She heard Daddy say to her Mother with whispered desperation, "Only a miracle can save him now. "她听到爸爸绝望地轻声对妈妈说,“只有奇迹才能救他。”

7.The mass of men lead pves of quite desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation.人类在过着静静的绝望的生活。所谓听天由命,正是肯定的绝望。

8.His calculation at this point is pttle more than desperation, the last twist of his hubris.这时候,他的小算盘里只剩下与他自己的自大纠缠不休的绝望罢了。

9.Henry David Thoreau wrote, "The mass of men lead pves of quiet, desperation. " I never want to be a part of that group. How about you?亨利,大卫,梭罗说过“大多数的人生活很平静,甚至是绝望。”我永远不想成为他们中的一员,你呢?

10.I'm not exactly sure what the message is, but it clearly indicates, I think, at least some kind of desperation, I think, at this point.我并不十分确定他们想要得到什么样的信息,但是,我认为,这一举动清晰的表明,在这一问题上,他们至少有一些悲观的情绪。