


美式发音: [wɪmp] 英式发音: [wɪmp]


v.wimp out 因胆小而退出

abbr.Windows, Icons, Mouse, and Pointer 【计】温普(一种融合窗口、图符、鼠标和指针等计算机软硬件特色的用户界面)

网络释义:大质量弱相互作用粒子(Weakly Interacting Massive Particle);懦弱的人;软骨头

复数:wimps  现在分词:wimping  过去式:wimped  



1.(informal)懦夫;窝囊废a person who is not strong, brave or confident



v.1.wimp out 因胆小而退出,畏缩不前

abbr.1.【计】(=Windows; Icons; Mouse; and Pointers)(融合了窗口,图符,鼠标和指针等软硬件特色的)用户界面

n.1.someone who is not brave, strong, or confident

abbr.1.[Computer](=Windows; Icons; Mouse; and Pointers)

1.大质量弱相互作用粒子(Weakly Interacting Massive Particle)

2.懦弱的人 【whinger <苏格兰>短剑, 短刀】 【wimp 懦弱的人,无用的人】 【yarn 纱, 纱线, 故事, 奇谈】 ...

3.软骨头 4. up front 预先 5. wimp 软骨头,没用的家伙 1. chicken away 退缩 ...

4.懦夫 enclosed spaces 封闭的环境 wimp 懦夫,窝囊废 Breaking records 打破世 …

5.窝囊废 Will: 意志 Wimp: 窝囊废 Withdrawal symptom: 断瘾症状 ...

6.无用的人 【whinger <苏格兰>短剑, 短刀】 【wimp 懦弱的人,无用的人】 【yarn 纱, 纱线, 故事, 奇谈】 ...

7.重粒子冷暗物质粒子很可能是宇宙早期遗留下来的稳定、只有弱作用的 重粒子WIMP)。 2003 年7 月28 日,以享克-霍克斯特(Hen…


1.I'm such a wimp that if I downed as much booze as he does, I'd be barfing my guts up nonstop.我真没用(或,我真窝囊)。如果灌进去和他一样多的酒,我恐怕肠子都要吐出来了。

2.All men are bastards or wimps, she said, and no one wants to be married to a wimp.她说,世上的男人不是坏蛋,就是懦夫,没有人想嫁给一个懦夫。

3.The president now finds himself accused of being both a warmonger for entering the war and a wimp for his lame prosecution of it.总统发现他一方面因为参与战争被指责为战争贩子,另一方面因为战争执行不力被称作窝囊废。

4.Physicists know how much dark matter the universe contains in total, but not how much each individual WIMP weighs.物理学家已经知道宇宙中包含的暗物质总量,却不知道单个WIMP的重量。

5.Jealous of Tarzan's Jane, I thought she was a wimp, and I'd have made a much better mate for.我认为她是个没用的角色,而我会做的比她好的多。

6.Harold is a real wimp. He lets everybody take advantage of him.哈罗德真没用,每个人都可以占他便宜。

7.The thinking goes that WIMPs are very heavy, yet pke neutrinos they rarely bump into matter to produce a detectable signal.理论认为,WIMP粒子非常重,但是又像中微子一样几乎不与其它物质发生相互作用,因此不能产生可观察的信号。

8.In those societies, a modern Hercules can have his way because women prefer to share him rather than have a wimp to themselves.在这些社会中,一个现代的大力士(Hercules)能够得逞,是因为妇女们宁愿分享他,也不愿独自拥有一个懦夫。

9.Kim: No. It's my baby. If you could feel him kick me, you know he's no wimp!阿金:不。是我的宝宝。如果你了解我被他踢的感觉,就会知道他不是软脚虾!

10.My problem was that I was an anger wimp and didn't follow through .我的问题是,我是个爱生气的懦弱的人,而且不能坚持到底。