


美式发音: [dɪˈspaɪt] 英式发音: [dɪ'spaɪt]





prep.in spite of,regardless of,notwithstanding,in the face of,even with



1.即使;尽管used to show that sth happened or is true although sth else might have happened to prevent it

Her voice was shaking despite all her efforts to control it.尽管她竭尽全力控制自己,声音仍然在颤抖。

Despite applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work.尽管他申请了数百个工作,但仍然在失业中。

She was good at physics despite the fact that she found it boring.尽管她认为物理枯燥无味,她却学得很好。

2.尽管(自己)不愿意used to show that sb did not intend to do the thing mentioned

He had to laugh despite himself.他不想笑,但没法不笑。



prep.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that something happens even though something else might have prevented it

1.尽管 incidence n. 影响程度,影响范围;发生率 despite prep. 尽管,任凭 deport vt. 驱逐出境 ...

2.不管 desperate adj. 不顾一切的,绝望的 despite prep. 不管,尽管,不论 disgusting adj. 令人厌恶的 ...

3.不顾 desirable a. 称心的,期望得到的 despite prep. 不管,不顾 destroy v. 破坏,摧毁,消灭 ...

4.任凭 incidence n. 影响程度,影响范围;发生率 despite prep. 尽管,任凭 deport vt. 驱逐出境 ...

5.虽然 conversely 相反地 despite 尽管,虽然 above all 最重要 ...

6.憎恨 despise 鄙视 despite 憎恨 despiteful 恶毒的 ...

7.憎恨虽然 despise 轻视 despite 轻视,憎恨虽然,尽管 despoil 夺取,掠夺 ...

8.尽管如此巴列斯特罗斯硬汉的名声可谓由来已久,但尽管如此(Despite),一个人的活动,如果不是被高尚的思所鼓舞,那它是无益的、 …


1.Someday you will discover that, despite my mistakes, I always wanted the best thing for you and that I tried to prepare the way for you. . .有一天你会发现,即使我有许多过错,我总是尽我所能要给你最好的…

2.Despite the detailed examination, Mr. Kloppenberg concedes that President Obama remains something of a mystery.尽管已经详细地梳理审视了奥巴马的思想渊源,克龙彭伯格先生承认,奥巴马总统在某些方面仍然是一个谜。

3.Fed officials have signaled that there would be a 'very high bar' for a third easing, despite the economy's current weakness.美联储官员曾经暗示,尽管当前经济疲弱,QE3实施的“门槛”将非常高。

4.More recently, however, consumers seem to be flagging despite the strong labour market. Retail sales fell in April.但在最近,尽管劳动力市场势头强劲,消费者的热情似乎在减少。

5.True enough. Yet despite all that, the EU has not done enough to quell the markets.然而实际情况是,尽管取得了如此成就,但欧盟在平息市场方面做的并不够。

6.They were in a good mood most of the time despite having their blood cleaned three times a week for at least three months.尽管要进行每周三次至少三个月的血液净化治疗,但大部分时候他们心情都很好。

7.Despite his neglect by historians, LordTownshend's views seem to have had substantial influence in his day.尽管历史学家无视了汤森勋爵,他的观点似乎对当时有重大影响。

8.Despite all these good points, I have seen news reports trying to tie you to that economic chamber of horrors, the Great Depression.尽管有如此多的好处,但我发现许多报道都试图把你与经济大魔头之一,著名的大萧条相提并论。

9.He seemed quite convinced, despite the fact that the closest he had come to space was the big button[4] on his computer keyboard.他好像很当真,尽管实际情况是,他与太空沾得上一点儿边的,就是他电脑键盘上的那个大空格键。

10.Nearly a week after the Haiti earthquake struck, tens of thousands of victims are still waiting for aid, despite huge international efforts.距离海地大地震发生近一星期后,尽管国际伸出巨大援手,仍有成千上万的灾民需要救助。