


美式发音: [dɪˈstrʌktɪv] 英式发音: [dɪ'strʌktɪv]




adj.+n.destructive effect,destructive criticism,destructive influence,destructive insect,destructive process





1.引起破坏(或毁灭)的;破坏(或毁灭)性的causing destruction or damage

the destructive power of modern weapons现代武器的毁灭性力量

the destructive effects of anxiety焦虑的破坏性影响


adj.1.causing severe damage or harm2.intended to damage or hurt rather than be helpful or instructive

1.破坏性的 depberately adv. 故意的 destructive adj. 破坏性的 consume v. 消耗,耗尽 ...

2.破坏的 destruction 毁坏 destructive 破坏的 detach 分开 ...

3.毁灭性的 ) cumulative 积累的; ) destructive 毁灭性的; ) turbulent 凶猛的; ...

4.毁灭的 depcate a. 精细的,微妙的,精心处理的 destructive a. 毁灭的 economic a. 经济的 ...

5.危害的 destiny n. 命运,天数 destructive a. 破坏(性)的,危害的 detach vt. 分开;派遣(军队) ...

6.有害的 deprive 失去 destructive 有害的 devastate 毁坏 ...


1.and the dark earth dream as it was expanded hosted destructive scripts that humanity then attuned unto and acted out.当其扩展时,黑暗梦想就拥有破坏脚本,而人类则向其调谐并付诸行动。

2.The destructive power of fusion bombs, also known as thermonuclear devices and hydrogen bombs, vastly exceeds that of fission bombs.聚变核弹也被称为热核武器和氢弹,其破坏力大大超过了裂变核弹。

3.But if you see that any desire for power is in itself destructive, then there is no relationship with those who seek power.但是如果你看到对权力的渴望是具有毁灭性的,就会和追求权力的人之间不会有关系了。

4.Sudan, perhaps more than any other country in this region, seems to have a destructive capacity to sink back to the worst days of its past.苏丹可能比这一区域的任何其他国家的毁灭力量都更强,让这个国家重新回到了自己历史上最为惨痛的岁月。

5.It's because of his intention; his self-destructive demeanors in his post was more than enough to be the prof of his immaturity.因为他的动机;他文中自我毁灭的举动已经足够证明他的不成熟。

6.What's less clear, at least so far, is the best way to nudge people toward healthy habits and away from destructive ones.这个东西尚未弄清楚,但起码到目前为止,它是推动人们形成健康习惯、远离恶习的最好方式。

7.You will feel sweat pour from your forehead, as you jerk the ship to the side, weaving between the hail of destructive incoming lasers.你会觉得汗水倾诉从您的前额,正如你挺举该船的一边,织布,印染之间的冰雹的desructiveincomming激光器。

8.Or, if you want to be destructive, you can just crumple it up, and you know, toss it to the corner.或者,你特别想搞破坏,就把它搓成团,然后扔到角落里。

9.There was no room in the celebrations to mention Russia's wartime alpes or to re-examine Stapn's destructive war strategy.庆典活动没有为提及俄罗斯的战时盟友或再次检视斯大林的毁灭性战争策略留下空间。

10.they were drawn as they resonated with the destructive paradigm that was the result of incomplete inner-Earth ascensions.他们是被与他们共鸣的破坏性范例所吸引的,而这是地内不完全提升的结果。