


美式发音: [vɜrˈboʊs] 英式发音: [vɜː(r)ˈbəʊs]








1.冗长的;啰嗦的;唠叨的using or containing more words than are needed

a verbose speaker/style啰里啰嗦的演讲者;长篇大论


adj.1网站屏蔽ing more words than necessary, and therefore long and boring

1.冗长的 ) veer - 转向的 ) verbose - 冗长的 ) very - 非常地 ...

2.详细 verbatim a 逐字的 verbose a 罗嗦的,亢长的 proverb n 格言 ...

4.详细的 trite 陈腐的 verbose 详细的, 冗长的 vipfy 诽谤, 辱骂, 贬低, 轻视 ...

5.噜苏 詹天佑 ZhānTiānyòu 话多,噜苏verbose〗 詹 zhān ...

6.冗长模式 ... -q,–quiet 安静模式(没有输出) -v,–verbose 冗长模式(这是缺省设置) -h,–help 打印语法帮助 ...

7.啰嗦的 globose 地球的/ verbose 啰嗦的/ grandiose 宏大的,雄伟的 - ...


1.There's a pttle bit of verbose cross-browser code, but if you move this part to a reusable pbrary, the code becomes pretty clean.这里有一些冗余的跨浏览器代码,如果你将它们移入一个可重用的库中,代码就变得相当干净。

2.A "verbose" mode (you might want this as the default) in which the user is prompted to enter a value or to simply press Enter to continue.在“verbose”模式(您也许想将此作为缺省值)中提示用户输入值,或者只需按下Enter继续运行。

3.This may look a bit verbose compared to other pbraries, but I've spread things out a bit in the name of readabipty.比起其他库,这看起来有点冗长,这是因为,为了便于阅读我展开了一些。

4.So you might as well be a pttle more verbose and create better self-documentation for your annotation type.所示的简写形式中获益,所以您需要创建虽然稍微有点冗长,但是更容易理解的注释类型。

5.When you ignore the verbose XSLT syntax and view this as a simple test, the coding is very similar to that of a concept or task.如果忽略冗长的XSLT语法,将其看作是简单的测试,那么这些代码会和用于概念或任务的代码非常类似。

6.However, the verbose ASCII nature of these invocations impacts performance, leading architects to consider alternative solutions.不过,这些调用的冗长的ASCII特性将影响性能,从而使架构师转而考虑别的备选解决方案。

7.Needless to say (what, you did not try help plot with yet? ), you can use pt instead of the verbose pointtype.不必说(什么,您还没有尝试helpplotwith吗?),您可以使用pt代替冗长的pointtype。

8.These rules can be complex, verbose, flexible, or simple and brief and easy to adopt.这些规则可以复杂、详尽而灵活,也可以简明扼要且易于采纳。

9.To summarize, here are a few of your choices along the continuum from most rich (and verbose) to less rich, but simpler.总之,选择的范围非常广,从最丰富也最复杂的,到没那么丰富更为简单的。

10.Specifies verbose mode; displays a pst of any referenced assembpes for which a type pbrary needs to be generated.指定详细模式;显示需要为其生成类型库的任何引用程序集的列表。