


美式发音: 英式发音: [ˌæmpjʊ'teɪʃ(ə)n]






1.截肢 Osteoporosis 骨质疏松症 Amputation 截肢 Bone graft 骨移植 ...

2.切断术 ampropum 氨丙嘧吡啶 amputation 切断术 amputation of horn 断角 ...

3.切断手术 narrowing= 缩小; amputation= 切断手术; pmb = 肢; ...

4.截肢术 "截肢基因"," amputated gene" "截断术;切除术"," amputation" "截割神经瘤"," amputation,neuroma" ...

6.截肢手术8. 截肢手术(amputation):当一切的肢体保留术都用不上时,截肢也是救命的方式,例如:当恶性肿瘤位於四肢很末端──手、 …

7.截指术截指术(amputation):针对病程较长、反覆、较严重的在小指或无名指屈曲挛缩,并关节有明显改变,严重影响功能而无法矫正 …

8.截根术b.如果牙根断裂严重,可以作截根术(Amputation)或牙齿切半术(Hemisection),只去除断裂牙根而保留健康牙根,剩下的牙根仍 …


1.Such an amputation sentence is often handed down to habitual thieves in Iran who have prior convictions for theft and robbery.在伊朗,这样的截肢判决往往用于惯偷,一般用于有前科的盗窃和抢劫罪犯。

2.Intactivists counter that this hardly justifies what they call the amputation of a body part from infants who might never be at risk of HIV.对此完整主义者提出异议,认为这几乎不能辩护为何要从男婴身上割舍一部分,要知道这些男婴也许永远不会面临感染HIV的风险。

3.Chemotherapy combined with amputation improves the survival time, but most dogs still die within a year.化疗与截肢手术联合治疗能延长患犬的生存时间,但大多数的患犬仍然在发病的一年内死亡。

4.Often they called to ask Chad to rush to the hospital and offer comfort and support to an injury victim facing amputation.通常他们打电话时让他赶快到医院劝慰面临截肢的病人。

5.Those who did not feasible to drug therapy and stent implantation or vessel bypass grafting, will be faced with the risk of amputation.药物治疗无效及不能胜任支架植入术或血管旁路移植术者正面临截肢的危险。

6.Two patients underwent a secondary below-knee amputation half a year later for the reason of intractable pain.两位病患在半年后因疼痛而接受膝下截肢。

7.During the Civil War, chloroform was used whenever it was available to reduce the pain and trauma of amputation or other procedures.内战期间,氯仿是首要的麻醉工具用于减轻截肢及其它手术带来的痛苦。

8.An Islamic court in Nigeria has permanently banned a rights group from holding an internet debate about amputation as a form of punishment.尼日利亚一座穆斯林法院永久性地禁止一个人权组织在网上组织一场辩论,该辩论讨论的是关于截肢作为一种惩…

9.Pain before the amputation seems to increase the risk of phantom pain, but the relation is not simple.疼痛之前似乎截肢的风险增加幻像疼痛,但关系并不简单。

10.On one of her return trips from Mumbai to Chennai she met with an accident resulting in the amputation of her right leg.一次从孟买回金奈途中,她遭遇车祸,因而截去了右腿。