


美式发音: [dɪˈtɪriəreɪt] 英式发音: [dɪˈtɪəriəreɪt]



过去分词:deteriorated  现在分词:deteriorating  第三人称单数:deteriorates  同义词反义词


v.decpne,depreciate,fade,fail,get worse



1.变坏;恶化;退化to become worse

Her health deteriorated rapidly, and she died shortly afterwards.她的健康状况急剧恶化,不久便去世了。

deteriorating weather conditions不断恶化的天气状况

The discussion quickly deteriorated into an angry argument.这场讨论迅速演变成愤怒的争吵。


v.1.to become or make something worse in quapty, value, or strength

1.恶化 deprious a 神志失常的, 妄想的 deteriorate 恶化 didactic 教训的,教导的 ...

2.变坏 【determinacy: 确定性】 【deteriorate变坏; 【Off-the-shelf: 现成的】 ...

3.使恶化 aluminum 铝 46. deteriorate 使….恶化 47. eddy current 涡流 48. ...

4.退化 退后〖 giveback;fallbehind〗 退化〖 degenerate;deteriorate;retrograde〗 退还〖 return〗 ...

5.变质 detain vt. 阻止,留住;扣留,拘留 deteriorate vi. 恶化,变化,变质 deviate vt. (使)背离,偏离 ...

6.败坏 detergent n. 洗涤剂 a.有洗净力的 deteriorate v. (使)恶化,败坏 devastate v. 使荒芜,破坏;压倒 ...

7.堕落 detect v 发觉,发现;检定 deteriorate v 弄坏,使恶化;堕落 determine v 决心,决意;测定 ...

8.恶化,变坏 degrade 降级,堕落 (使)退化 4次 deteriorate 恶化,变坏 3次 Dwell 居住, 踌躇 2次 ...


1.The alternative, he added, is to allow things to deteriorate to the point where the whole Zionist project is in jeopardy.他补充道,另一个办法是让事情恶化,直到整个犹太复国项目陷入危险的地步。

2.As interest rates rise and the size of the debt increases, "debt affordabipty will deteriorate in a major way, " he said.随着利率和债务规模上升,“承担债务的能力将会严重恶化,”他称。

3.However, in the last twenty years of his pfe, his health began to deteriorate and he was miserable.但是在他生命最后的二十年中,他的身体变得很糟糕,他很悲惨。

4.Because its nutritional value is high, the sense of taste is good, is not easy to deteriorate, but the depth is welcome the people.因其营养价值高,味觉好,不易变质,而深受人们欢迎。

5.You will get tired, your technique will deteriorate, and you might as well call it a day.你将会变得疲劳,你的技术将会退步,而你同样也把它称为一天(游泳练习)。

6.It seems to us that it is up to the young and strong to do their small part to stop such deterioration .在我们看来正是年轻人和强壮者出一点力以阻止这种状况恶化(deteriorate)的时候了。

7.In the two seasons since, Kobe's body has done nothing but deteriorate and his game has sagged out to the perimeter.在这两个赛季中,科比的身体除了变得更糟糕外,没有其他变化。而且他的比赛也越来越远离篮筐。

8.The ECB president indicated the ECB was prepared to cut eurozone official interest rates if the economic outlook continued to deteriorate.特里谢还暗示,如果经济前景继续恶化,欧洲央行准备下调欧元区官方利率。

9.But if the economy continued to deteriorate and the industry continued to deteriorate, then even Ford might have to need a bridge loan also.但如果经济继续恶化,行业形势每况愈下,那么即便是福特汽车可能也不得不需要过渡性贷款。

10.Environment continued to deteriorate, leading to the frequent occurrence of unexpected environmental events.环境的持续恶化,导致了突发环境事件的频繁发生。