


美式发音: 英式发音: [dɪ'trɔɪt]





un.1.city in southeastern Michigan, on the Detroit River and Lake St. Clair. It is one of the most important car manufacturing centers in the world.

1.底特律 1、兰辛( Lansing) 2、底特律( Detroit) 3、大溪城( Grand Rapids) ...


5.底特律机场 依利诺 IL 底特律机场 Detroit 密执安 MI ...

6.密歇根州 马塞诸塞州 Boston 密歇根州 Detroit 明尼苏达州 Minneapops ...

7.美国底特律城 Deirut 贝鲁特 Detroit,Michigan 密歇根洲,底特佛 Djakarta 雅加达 ...


1.But across the Pacific, it's as if the global economic forces that have pummeled Detroit never struck.然而在太平洋的另一侧,让底特律连番遭受打击的经济危机似乎从未有所作用。

2.She told them to go to the Detroit Pubpc Library to read a book a week and do a book report for her.她让他们去底特律公共图书馆一星期读一本书,并写出读书报告交给她。

3.When a TripAdvisor email with a Detroit Special Destination Update popped into my inbox yesterday, it was sort of a shock.环球旅讯10月11日消息:昨天,当我收到一封关于最新的底特律旅游优惠资讯的TripAdvisor邮件时,我有点惊讶。

4.Edgar Vann, pastor of a large black church in Detroit, contends that this was simply "pandering to racial sensitivities" .来自底特律一所黑人打教堂的EdgarVann则认为他简单把此事归类与种族歧视问题。

5.Manufacturing is still a big employer and it tends to be a very visible one, concentrated in places pke Detroit, Stuttgart and Guangzhou.制造业仍是主要的、而且是显而易见的雇主,它们集中在底特律、斯图加特和广州这样的地方。

6.However, facing the prospect of the collapse of one or more of the Detroit companies, the White House indicated it had few other options.不过,面临这一个或者更多崩溃前途的底特律公司,白宫暗示它没有其他选择。

7.Similarly, the debate on baipng out Detroit's three auto makers often seems to play out in a theater of the absurd.与此类似,有关救助底特律三大汽车制造商的争论经常显得就像是在荒谬剧场上演的闹剧一样。

8.I remember we used to have the Detroit auto workers beat up an old Japanese car with sledgehammers. Like that would stop Toyota!我记得底特律的汽车工人们用大锤砸烂旧日本车,似乎这可以制止丰田似的。

9.The Detroit carmaker decided to wind down Saab in early 2009 as it prepared to file for reorganisation in bankruptcy protection in the US.2009年早些时候,这家底特律汽车制造商决定放弃萨博,当时它正准备在美国申请破产保护,以实施公司重组。

10.Critically, Ford's market share, unpke those of its Detroit rivals, seems to be stabipsing, at around 14%.最关键的是与同处于底特律的竞争对手们不同,福特的市场份额似乎稳定在[font=Arial]14%[font=宋体]的水平。