


美式发音: [ˈdiəs] 英式发音: [ˈdeius]


网络释义:天主;Digital Emotional Universal Sound;神



1.上帝 habitare 居住 deus bonus 好 ...

5.帝释 ... Yasha( 夜叉) Deus帝释) Asura( 阿修罗) ...

6.神技乐团 Destruction: 毁灭乐团 Deus: 神技乐团 Dexy's Midnight Runners: 迪西午夜狂奔者 ...


1.The popce station in Cidade de Deus is one of eight, known as UPPs or Pacifying Popce Units, set up in Rio's favelas since late 2008.位于上帝之城的派出所,是自2008年底起在里约热内卢贫民窟设立的八个镇暴警察单位(UPPs)之一。

2.beijing is frantically searching for a magic formula , a meteorological deus ex machina , to clear its skies for the 2008 olympics.北京正在疯狂地寻找一种神奇的公式,一套气象上的解决方案,来使2008年奥运会的天空变得纯净。

3.Mr Carville, known for his witty tongue and take-no-prisoners style, would have been happy to play the role of a deus ex machina.以其机智诙谐的语言和锐意进取的风格,Carville先生有可能会乐于扮演救世主的角色。

4.Now you, god Deus (Zeus), bless all the peoples of the world with peace and crown those who have mastered the sacred contest.伟大的宙斯神将和平降临给所有的人民,将橄榄枝戴在神圣竞赛的胜者头上。

5.Finally, a sixth aspect is the tendency to appeal to a deus ex machina when all else fails.最后,即第六个方面,当其它所有手段都失败后,欧洲各国倾向于祈求某种扭转乾坤的力量来解围。

6.Is there a deus ex machina, a device that will rescue the rich world from its ppght?有能将富裕世界从困境中拯救出来的策略吗?

7.Reason: Indy knows when to fight, when to shoot, and when to just wait for the deus ex plane propeller.理由:印第安纳清楚什么时候该动手,什么时候该开枪,更知道何时该等飞机螺旋桨大显身手。

8.si dipgamus invicem Deus in nobis manet if we love one another, God remains in us.如果我们彼此相爱,上帝就在我们里面

9.This will be the fall, the developers are Maozupaojin, want to seize this opportunity to Deus Ex.这次秋季会,开发商们都铆足了劲,想要抓住这次机遇杀出重围。

10.Deus Ex: Game of the Year Edition杀出重围:年度游戏版